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authors note:

woa my first lifesteal s5 oneshot... crayzy

FT: Spoke (Planet is mentioned a bunch)

Spoke seeks for peace.

Not like, pacifism, of course. That's never gone well for anyone who's tried. Lifesteal isn't the place for that kind of thing. Violence is of its nature, it's as ingrained into the world as the sky itself.

Without violence, Lifesteal would have no purpose, it would have no way to survive. To kill and to be killed was just the way of things here, that was just how it worked. Very few ever had issue with it, fewer attempted to do something about it. Whether it be change in themselves or the world.

What Spoke looks for, is peace in the simple nature of Lifesteal. Interacting with this world as nothing but a temporary resident of it, because that is what everybody else is, and that is what he strives to achieve.

Hunting for power in only the moral understanding of the world. Becoming the richest, gaining the most hearts. Even a small surge of power, killing a more powerful enemy, creating a trap that nobody has managed to escape.

He's always wanted to return to it, and he feels as though, this time around, he can finally give himself the chance.

His desire to become the best in a way beyond what the average player could even begin to comprehend, a feeling that had sat in his mind, become the reasoning behind every plan, every fight, every ally and enemy.

The desire had been filled. The goal he had been trying to reach since the beginning of time in this world. It had reached a point that outdid each attempt tenfold. He had become a god in every definition of the word.

Powerful enough to reinvent the very thing that had made the server what it was. Completely flipping the types of power that people fight for.

He allowed himself to free the world, knowing that there was nothing more to do. He had proved himself. Done so much that it could almost never be replicated again, certainly not outdone by anybody else.

When it was gone, as he watched the reconstruction of a world that he destroyed. He assisted as much as he was allowed. A shocking amount considered all that he had just done. But it had allowed a new feeling to begin itching at his mind.

He can't exactly describe it in one word. He can't call it regret, or remorse. If given the chance to go back in time he would do it all again. He would prove himself again. He would show everyone his true potential, make a legacy nobody could replicate.

It wasn't quite guilt, either. 

It was the urge to feel itself. The urge to have the same drive as everybody else, the same goals, the same exact feeling of purpose in the world. Something he had found that he lost over time. The feeling of being connected.

An urge to rebuild the connections that he traded in for power. An urge to let everyone know that he was still the same he had always been. Just like the rest of them. Fighting for the same objectives as the rest of them.

He teams with Planet, who's never become anything but themselves and never been anything but at peace with the world, with the nature of Lifesteal. They find their own goals, their own goals that anyone could share and anyone could obtain.

Competition is one with the world. If every member of the server doesn't wish to obtain or outdo the achievement of one player. Then the player had done something that is beyond nature itself.

Planet and Spoke strive for similar goals of power. Spoke's objectives lie in numbers, while Planet's lie in bloodshed.

They assist one another. Knowing they are the only ones willing to do so.

Planet knows that it's all over. And they're one of the few with full trust that it won't reignite, especially at the hands of Spoke. They had faced nearly just as much as Spoke's power had to offer. 

They know, in nearly the way that he does, that it's over.

So, they both coexist. They stay out of each others way for ventures that tie into their goals unless the situation requires them to work together. 

People tell one that the other must be disloyal, because they can't define teammate in any way but someone who is willing to follow you to the end of the earth to help you accomplish an attempt at power.

Loyalty does not lie in blind trust, it lies in trust built over time. It lies in understanding. The two are loyal because they understand each other, and understand that there are few places left for them to go.

Spoke doesn't want to leave. He only wants to know that if he did, he would have a place to go.

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