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Authors note:

Printer and Baconwaffles say things at each other for about 15 hundred words, thats all. I was not lucid when I wrote this so it might suck (I refuse to proofread)

FT: Bacon, Zam (Planet n Jaron are mentioned like once or twice)

"You wanna come to my thinking spot?" Bacon asks, even though it seems like he already had his mind set on going there, considering the random direction they've been walking in for the past five minutes.

Zam nods, anyways. "Yeah, sure."

Bacon pulls out an axe, walking over to a nearby tree. Fairly inconspicuous-looking, the bottom looks a little odd, though, as if an animal had taken residence in it. He pushes aside some of the already hollowed out wood.

Under it is a ladder, leading deep under the stone. He peers down, it does seem a little suspicious, but he has a full inventory of fighting gear on him, and Bacon doesn't even have a netherite axe. At the worst, its just another void hole.

"I can go first if you-" Zam's already climbing down before he's even finished the sentence. Bacon hastily begins climbing down as well. "...Or you can go first, your way works, too."

Zam reaches the bottom, jumping off the ladder, and into the small underground... Bunker? Thinking spot? He wasn't really sure, the chests were just full of junk, mostly porkchops. The only other thing in there was a lone crafting table, shoved under the porkchop chest.

Once again, suspicious, but he trusts that Bacon wouldn't try to kill him.

"What is this room?" He asks, as the other reaches the bottom of the ladder. "It's just a... room."

Bacon looks around, like even he doesn't think it looks right. "Oh well- okay, this isn't the thinking spot..."

He brushes by Zam, pulling out a pickaxe, and breaking the stone behind him. He steps into the space on the other side, Zam follows. All he can see is a staircase, leading even further down. He goes a few steps down, trying to see how long it goes on for, as Bacon places the stone back behind him.

Bacon passes by him again, leading the way. "So you- you think your plan is gonna interfere with Vitalasy's?" He asks, picking up the conversation that they had on the way here. 

"Yeah, a little bit." 

They step into a mineshaft. Bacon once again pulls out his pickaxe at the end of the hallway, mining out a bit of blackstone. "And you don't wanna...?"

"I don't wanna step on any toes, y'know? Not a big fan of that type of stuff. I don't wanna get in my own teammates ways."

Bacon leads Zam to another set of stairs, pausing for a minute, looking at the bit he had mined, seemingly considering patching it up, before shrugging and continuing down the stairs. "Yeah, okay."

The stairs abruptly stop, dropping down into a lush cave, a few feet below. He drops down, immediately continuing to walk in a different direction. Zam drops down as well, following him hastily.

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