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authors note:

lstober holay molay

day one!! hearts :3

A large hourglass sits off the coast of an island, thousands of blocks out from any sort of civilization. 

Sometimes, Parrot imagines it full of sand. He thinks of looking up as the time ticks on. Of no escape, and the thought of just waiting for it to fill.

Waiting for himself to die, with nothing that he can do about it. No matter how hard he tries to ram through the glass or crawl up with the sand as it fills. It wouldn't work. There's no way out.

Its not a frequent thought, but sometimes something will happen. Sometimes a block in the road will come along and put his quest to a complete stop. And he wonders if this is all it is. A slowly filling hourglass.

And he's just trying to push through the glass, swearing to himself that he'll break through it this time. 

He watches the wall of hearts, he watches as it grows like its the sand falling from the ceiling. 

Each one that is added to the wall only makes him realize there's less time then there was when the previous one was added. That it's not long at all until they call have to be taken down. Until they all have to be used.

He thinks of it, the pure rush that would run through his body at simply holding that many hearts. He thinks of how dulled it would be after so many deaths, how for a second, he would just stop to realize how normal it feels now.

Hearts are meant to be things that give you energy, the rush of adrenaline needed to win a fight. The thought of them just being the same as getting a replacement sword, of swapping out your gear. It was strange.

He stares at the wall. No one person, has ever done this. 

No one person has ever needed to do this. No one person has never thought that they needed a hundred hearts just for their team to have a fighting chance.

Hopefully they never will again.

It was strange, how hearts only counted as how many lives you had now. They used to be everything. A symbol of power, the deciding factor in an evenly matched fight. Now, they were only how many times you could come back.

How many times you could be caught well you ran.

How many times the sand can reach up over your head before it no longer pours down.

He felt like he was no longer in Lifesteal. Everything twisted to fit the eyes of its new ruler. A place, previously damaged, but now nothing but a desolate wasteland. Nothing left to be made of the land or the sea but a battleground.

No sides left but the gods and the mortals. As much as everyone tried to stay in their own little group. It was evident that they all needed each other if they stood any chance at survival against whatever the opposing side could do.

The sand was falling onto all of them. The only difference between the ones watching it fall and the ones trying to break out is how long it will take for them to realize its hopeless. 

However, if they all broke through the glass. If they all tried to get through the same spot, where the sand hadn't quite filled the same as all the other areas. Maybe then the cracks would begin to show.

If there's a way into the hourglass, then there must be a way out.

He stares at all hundred hearts, lined up together on the wall. He looks at his newfound team, as they stare in awe. And he thinks that he may have found it.

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