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authors note:

MCC DAY RAHHHHH (this was written at 4am with like 5 hours of sleep in the past 72 hours)

i wrote this with a broken keyboard, so if you see an abundance or a misplacement of specifically the letter c please let me know so i can beat the shit out of my computer


"Did you ask Cube to save a spot for us?"


Jaron and Branzy speedwalk through the now vacant entryway. The countdown music is muffled through the walls, and quiet behind the cheers and screams of the spectators above them.

Jaron glances upwards at the ceiling for a minute. Trying to listen for the voices of his teammates. Although he knows that there isn't really a point. Between 36 other, equally enthusiastic players and who knows how many spectators.

"Well why not?" Branzy asks, as they approach the ticket booth.

"I didn't think we would be at the merch store that long!"

Branzy sets down the fifteen or so large cyan foam fingers that he had wrapped around each of his arms. He had insisted that they bought all of the remaining ones, just to show their support.

He looks through the many checkout bags that were also full of cyan-colored coyote masks. Which he had also said that they should clear the store of.

Jaron had only agreed because Branzy had promised to carry everything.

He hears the introductions begin just as Branzy fishes the tickets out of the bag (both tangled around the the flimsy strings of the masks)

"Got it!" He says, smacking them down on the table of the booth, probably with a little more force than necessary. The person working there just takes them and nods towards the entrance to the stands of the decision dome.

The muffled voice of Noxite introducing the members of the Red team plays in the back of his mind as he watches Branzy collect all of the merchandise into his arms once again.

The two rush over to the stairs as the names of Orange team begin to play. Branzy sighs, shifting the bags so they don't hit the steps as they begin the trek up.

Jaron reaches the top first. Another wave of noise hitting his ears between the chatter and cheers of spectators and the booming voice that finishes off the announcement of Yellow.

He scans for Cube and the Eclipse group as he waits for Branzy.

He sees Redd first. His suit jacket bright pink but his tie the same cyan color as what most people in his row were wearing. Cube is a few seats down from him.

Jaron hears the shake of Branzy's merchandise in bags from behind him, so he walks his way over to the group.

Cube waves as they approach.

"What took you guys so long?" He asks loudly over the noise of Lime's team announcement.

"I had to support the team!" Branzy says from behind Jaron, enthusiastically showing off the bags from the merch store to Cube.

"Sweet, could you pass me a foam finger?"

Jaron doesn't know if 'sweet' was the right reaction to that, but it's probably better than Branzy trying to put on about fifteen foam fingers on his own.

Cube puts the one he was given onto his hand. "You guys have spots, between Red and Idk, over there."

He points it out. Jaron nods and thanks him as Green's announcement echos over the dome. Now, he can actually see the players as sidesteps his way past the already sitting crowds and to his seat.

Jaron sits down to Red.

"Need a foam finger?" He asks.

Red shakes his head. Reaching down under his seat and coming back up with both a Pink and Cyan colored fingers. "No need."

"Oh my gosh."

Branzy sits down next to Jaron a second later. Hastily passing around his various Cyan Coyote themed memorabilia as the final name of Green team is said over the speakers.

Their little area in the stands goes silent for a moment, as the previous team walks off of the platform.

Jaron counts the seconds in his head alongside the countdown.

Ding, ding, ding. Three, two, one.

The four are teleported onto the stage as the mascot of their team suddenly appears in the sky. The cyan-colored rows that they were sitting in erupted into screams and cheers.

People hold up foam fingers and balloons and posters and whatever else they created or could get their hands on in the store.

Mid notices the group as her name is being announced, she bumps 4C's shoulder, which also gets the attention of Jhorse and Allrich. She points up at the group, and the whole team moves to look at them.

Branzy does a double-arm wave with a foam finger in each hand. Jaron cheers a little louder. Each person in the stand prepares to cheer on their team, even past the dodgeball court.

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