Chapter 2- By Your Side

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"Father" Taneya calls out.
Tsekey smiles at her, "my daughter Taneya."

"That's Tsekey?" Neteyam whispers to Taneya. She nods, still looking at her father in shock.
"Damn. I did not expect him to be that old" Neteyam continues to whisper to her.

As Tsekey is about to walk to Taneya, Aonung stops him as he places his hand on Tsekey's chest.
He looks back Taneya, and gives a message with his eyes asking her if she wants her father to come forward.

Taneya nods so Aonung moves his hand away, as he walks back with Tsekey to Taneya.

Aonung stands next to Taneya, and Tsekey is stood opposite of them.
"My little girl is all grown up" Tsekey says as he has tears in his eyes.

"Father, what brings you here? How did you find me?" Taneya asks as she holds herself well in front of her father, the one who left her at such a young age.

"Taneya. You have become the chief's wife. And the truth is, everyone knows that you are a half breed" Tsekey says to her.

"Excuse me?" Aonung looks at Taneya's father as he is offended by his words.
"Let him finish. It's okay" Taneya holds onto Aonung's hand.

"Taneya. There a people who are going to come for you. When I heard the news I went back to the forest and I met with Neytiri and Jake. They heard the news. We are all very happy for you. But a lot of people are not. They are planning to come for you. To kill you" Tsekey informs her.

Tsekey then holds his daughters hand, the one that is not in Aonung's hand.
"Daughter, I have faith in you because I know you are a strong girl. I have heard everything about how you helped defeat the sky people. So I have no doubt you will be strong. But you must look after your child" Tsekey says.

Taneya let's go if his hand, "father you left me when I was a child. You have no right to tell me what to do and how to protect my child."

"I do not mean it in any malicious way. I just want you to be safe. I do not want what happened to your mother to happen to you. You are a gift from Eywa. You are strong. But please, keep yourself safe" Tsekey says to her.

Taneya let's go of Aonung's hand and walks off.

Aonung looks to Tsekey. He gives him an understanding look, knowing where Tsekey is coming from.

"I know you will look after Taneya. You have done a better job at it than me. But please, keep her and your baby safe" Tsekey tells Aonung, as he taps him on the shoulder.

As Tsekey is about to walk away, back onto his Ikran, Aonung calls out to him, "Tsekey wait."
Taneya is in her pod. She's pacing back and fourth as she hears her fathers words over and over again.
"Keep your baby safe."

Aonung walks in finding his wife in distress.
"Taneya?" He calls out.
But she's too busy in her own thoughts, pacing back and fourth.

As she's about to turn the other way, Aonung stands in front of her, placing his hands on Taneya's shoulders.

"Taneya look at me" Aonung says.
She looks up at him, "does he not think I am able to take care of my child? Am I a bad mother?"

Aonung makes her sit down and kneels down in front of her, "Taneya. You are the best mother. You will be the best mother. We haven't even had the baby yet but you have been taking good care of it still. You have been like a mother to Lo'ak too. You have taken good care of him. I don't think your father judges your parenting."

"What is it then? What is happening?" Taneya says in exhaustion.
"My Taneya, your father is just worried. If you think about it, your mother was shot right in front of him. He was not able to save her once she gave birth to you. And I'm not saying he is the best father. He left you and he was wrong for that. But he is just trying to not let history repeat itself" Aonung says as he cups her cheek and wipes her tears with his thumb.

"I'm sorry" Taneya says to Aonung.
"No. You don't have anything to be sorry for. You are allowed to be upset Taneya" Aonung comforts her.

She nods, wiping her tears, "it's just because I'm pregnant I have felt very emotional."
"I know. That's okay" Aonung says as he moves her hair back from her face.

"My Taneya. Whoever is trying to come for you, they can not get to you. Or the baby. They cannot get past any of us. The whole clan, they love you. You have done so much for them. For me. We will be here for you" Aonung says.

He stands back up and Taneya stand back up too.
Aonung pulls her in for a hug.
"You are special. Remember that always" he says to her.

When they pull away from the hug, Aonung looks at her, "Taneya your father is still here. You guys should talk."
"I want you to be there too" Taneya says.
"Of course. I'm right by your side" Aonung holds onto her hand and they walk back out.
"Taneya, I did not mean to upset you daughter" Tsekey says.
She shakes her head no, "I'm not upset. I am just, worried."

"I spoke to your mother through Eywa yesterday. Through the spirit tree" Tsekey says.
Taneya sits down, Aonung sits next to her.

"Come sit" Taneya says to her father who is still stood up.
Tsekey sits opposite them, "your mother gives her greetings to you. She is very proud of you. And she wanted you to know that."

Taneya smiles at him.
"I know what the people are planning to do. Which is why I'm here. I do not have long left to live. But I want to be here to tell you, and do one last thing right before I go back to Eywa" Tsekey says.

It's a silent pause, before Tsekey speaks again, "they have planned to come here, to seek Uturu" he then looks to Aonung, "they will want to learn to ways of your people. They know that Taneya has defeated the sky people. That she is a warrior. So they will not come in without learning the way of your people. They want to be levelled when they go against you."

"The clan loves Taneya. We will be here to protect her" Aonung informs Tsekey.
"Yes. But that is not the only problem. These people will try to destroy this clan. They will try to kill these animals. Tulkun. Ilu's. Skimwings. They want to destroy this place, because they accepted Taneya as the chief's wife. So you will have to get the whole clan ready. Make a plan. Defeat the people that are coming for you. Because there are thousands of you. And hundreds of them" Tsekey says.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Taneya asks.
"Jake Sully and his wife Neytiri. They are trying to stall these people. Get rid of many as possible before they come to you. They wanted me to inform you both that they are coming back here. And once they do, that means that the people are getting close to you guys" Tsekey says.

"Who even are these people?" Taneya asks.

"They are known as the fire people" Tsekey tells her.

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