Chapter 18- Alone

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"Father please, wake up" Taneya says as she holds her fathers face and sobs.

"Taneya? Where are you?" Jake calls out as he tries to look for Taneya. But she doesn't respond to him.

"You can't leave me again. Please father, don't do this to me again" Taneya says as she sobs.

Jake finally finds her, and sees Aonung and Tsekey on the floor. He goes to Aonung.
"I'm fine. Taneya" Aonung says to Jake.

He looks to Taneya and sees that Tsekey is dead.
Jake looks to Taneya. 

"He followed your orders. I wanted him to stay with me but her followed your orders to go with the others" Taneya says.

"Taneya I am so sorry" Jake says, holding onto Taneya'a shoulder.
She ignores his apology and continues to cry.

"Get away" Taneya says to Jake and pushes his hand off her shoulder.
He stands up and Taneya stands up and pushes him away, "get away from here! Never come back!"

Jake stand back and his ears point down. He looks down, hurt that his daughter pushed him away.

Taneya turns around to see the village in flames. And the fire people leaving.
Her eyes change from green to yellow, reflecting the fire she is looking at.

She picks up her bow and arrow, walking to Tsekey's Ikran.

Jake just stands back and watches as she connects to Tsekey's Ikran with her queue.

Jake the speaks through his throat microphone to Neytiri.

"Taneya is coming. Keep her safe" he says to her.
"What's happened?" Neytiri asks.
"Tsekey. He's dead" Jake says.

Neytiri turns into shock and doesn't say anything back as she hears what Jake had just said.
She then sees Taneya fly up on her fathers Ikran.
"We will get them next time. I need to get my daughter home. Let's go" Txep says to them.
Just as they're about to go, one of his men falls forward on his face with an arrow sticking in his head.

Txep turns around and sees Taneya.
She shoots again, putting an arrow straight through Txep's head, killing him.

The fire people scream, charging forward.

Neytiri is looking from above on her Ikran.
She makes a whistle noise, getting all the people to come forward and shoot.

As the fire people are charging to Taneya, some got shot with arrows as the forest people were shooting.

Taneya comes forward, stabbing one of them with the edge of her bow, slamming his body down to the floor, before taking it back out and stabbing him again.

Someone tries to grab her from behind but she elbows them and uses her bow to stab them, with the other edge of the bow.

Keeping it in, she turns to another person, putting their neck between the bow and string, pulling on the bow and suffocating them.

The fire person then falls to the ground in front of her.

She sees the fire boy which she stabbed, and with no hesitation, slams him on the floor, putting the edge of the bow deep into his chest, until she sees blood coming out of his mouth.

She tries taking the bow out of him, and ends up breaking the bow with the amount of strength she put in.

Her eyes soften, as she realises she broke her mothers bow.

She pulls the bow out anyways. Taneya then looks forward.

She then looks and sees Ayrà coming to her.

"Im sorry mother" Taneya says as she tosses the bow to the other side.

She stands up and walks to her.
Taneya grabs Ayrà from her neck, strangling her.
"Please I" Ayrà tries to speak as she's being suffocated.

"Your people killed my father. And I killed yours. Now it's time to kill you" Taneya says as she continues to suffocate her with her hands.

"Taneya" Neytiri calls out to her as she lands on the village.
She looks up and when she sees Neytiri, looking at her.

Her grip softens and she lets go of Ayrà's throat.

"Taneya, my daughter" Neytiri calls out.
Taneya then pulls on Ayrà's hair, "bring Tsekey's body back with you."
She then goes back onto the Ikran and takes Ayrà with her.
Taneya arrives back home, on the Ikran.
"The chief's wife has returned!" Someone calls out.
Everyone comes running out.

Taneya gets off the Ikran, still holding onto Ayrà's hair.
She throws her to the floor.

Tsekey, Aromì's baby walks out next to Neteyam.
They can all see the rage in her eyes, knowing something bad has happened.

Taneya walks to Tsekey, grabs onto his arm and throws him next to Ayrà, "take your sisters child and get out of here!"

"Taneya I'm really sorry" Ayrà says.
"Sorry isn't going to bring my father back. Get out!" She shouts.
Neteyam walks to Taneya, "what are you doing?"

"They do not belong here. With our people. They must leave" Taneya says.
"Taneya. You have never thought like that. What is wrong with you?" Neteyam asks.

"His people. They killed my father" she says to him and then looks to Ayrà and Tsekey, "I want you out of my sight. If you're not gone soon I might lose my patience, and finish off what I started with you before."

She walks off to go find her daughter Ninat.
Taneya walks into the pod and finds her daughter.

She sees next to her daughter, a bracelet of her fathers.

"He must have left it here with her before we left" Taneya says as she looks at it. She holds it tightly, turning the other way, away from her daughter covering her mouth.

Kiri walks in.

"I can look after he tonight for you Taneya" she says.
Taneya nods, "please."
Kiri takes Ninat and walks out.
The second she walks out, Taneya falls to the ground.

She cries and screams, as she mourns her father being dead.
Aonung runs in just second after, meaning the rest have arrived back.

He runs to her and hugs her.
"My Taneya" he holds onto her.
She leans her head on his chest, continuing to cry and she holds tightly onto his bracelet.

"Shh" he says as he kisses her fourhead. He moves away, keeping his chin on top of her head, "I'm so sorry Taneya. I'm so sorry."

Aonung has tears coming out his eyes too.

Tsekey was like a father to him, took care of him and always gave him great advice. He even saved him when he didn't have to.

This hit Aonung deeply, as he sat on the floor, hugging his sobbing wife.

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