Chapter 21-

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Again I don't know what to call this chapter.

"Aonung" Taìn greets him.
"Ah Taìn. Lovely" Aonung puts on a fake smile.

"I heard you guys are up to trouble?" Taìn says.
"Says who?" Taneya asks.
"Someone" Taìn replies.

Taneya rolls her eyes and walks away.

Taìn walks to Aonung, "before you think anything. I am a changed man. I'm no longer after Taneya. In fact, I found someone."

"Amazing" Aonung rolls his eyes, "how can you help?"

"Well for one, did you ever wonder how Taneya got these phases?" Taìn asks.
Aonung shakes his head no.
"She gets it from her father. Tsekey. Sorry for the loss by the way" Taìn says.

"That's impossible. Tsekey was a nice man" Aonung says.
"He was. But he lost someone to. Grieved the same way. Killed many of his people" Taìn says.

"You were a child. So how would you have helped?" Aonung asks.
"My father. Him and Tsekey are close friends. He's the one who stopped him" Taìn says.
"Well why is your father not here then" Aonung says.

"She doesn't trust him. But I have helped her before and my father had taught me how" Taìn says.
Before he continues to speak he looks behind Aonung, "what is she doing?"

Aonung turns around to see Taneya flying upside down, on Tsekey's Ikran, laughing hysterically as she touches the water with her fingers.
"Taneya what are you doing?" Aonung says to her.
"Whatever i want" Taneya shrugs her shoulders, still upside down.

"She's more fun like this. I'm surprised you want to change her" Taìn says.
Aonung looks at him with an exhausted impression.
"I don't mean it like that. I told you. I have a woman" Taìn says.

"Jake. I'm worried about Neteyam. Just look at Taneya. She isn't going to help him" Neytiri says.

Taneya can see them talking and gets the Ikran to fly near, before she jumps off.
"Is there a problem?" She asks.
"Nothing" Jake quickly replies.
"We can't take you with us to find Neteyam" Neytiri says.

"So you think just because you say that, I'm going to listen to you?" Taneya says.
Neytiri looks at Jake.
Taneya laughs hysterically, "you are funny. But do you remember when you asked me to let Jake stay? For your sake? Don't even try it with me. I came here to kill them. And if I can't kill them then I'll have no choice but to kill one of you. Your husband as my first choice."

Aonung can sense the tension so he stands up and walks to them.
"Let's go to bed Taneya" He says trying to move her away by grasping onto her shoulders.

But Taneya doesn't budge. As her and Neytiri look at each other.
"You're lucky I'm saving your son from those people" Taneya says before being dragged away by Aonung.

As they get further away, Aonung let's go of Taneya, "that's your mother Taneya what are you thinking?"
"Oh she's my mother? No my mother is dead" Taneya says.
"You know Neytiri looked after you. Bought you up. You should not treat her that way" Aonung says.

"Her. My mother Ninat. Jake. My father Tsekey. I don't care about any of them. Because they've done nothing but leave me" Taneya says.
"Jake and Neytiri are still here" Aonung says.
"Who said I wanted them here? Did I ask for that?" Taneya says.

Aonung's eyes soften, and he moves back from her.
"You know what i hate he most. Jake was right. Why would he protect me when he's left me before" Taneya talks about Tsekey.

"Taneya that is not fair. Your father loves you" Aonung says.
"He promised me that he's see me there. And what did he do? He didn't" Taneya says.

She has tears in her eyes, but not of sadness. More of rage. As she smiles and laughs.
"Taneya, he saved me. I would have died" Aonung says.
"I could have saved you!" Taneya raises her voice.

"Taneya. You were further away from me. Your father found me and saved me. Did you not want me to live?" Aonung asks.
She looks at him, "leave. Before I say something you won't like."

"No tell me. Do you wish it was me instead of your father?" Aonung asks.
She turns to him slowly, her eyes merely opened as she looked at him with no expression, "it should have been both of you."

She walks away from him, leaving Aonung confused and hurt.
Jake walks to him.
"How much did you hear?" Aonung asks.
"She does not mean it. She loves you" Jake says.

He looks to Jake, "this has to end. I don't know how much more I can take of this."

"Don't give up" Jake says.
"I'm not going to. I really love her. But it's hurting me seeing her like this. We have a daughter together. And she's telling me I should be dead" Aonung says.
As Taìn had overheard, he goes to find Taneya and sits down next to her.

"What do you want?" Taneya asks.
"Taneya. I heard what you said to Aonung" Taìn says.
"Good. Let the world know I'm a bad person who wants my husband dead" Taneya says.
"I know that's not it. Aonung loves you. And I know you love him" Taìn replies.

"That's the problem. The people who i love, they leave. I don't want anyone to love me anymore" Taneya says.
"You're scared because you've lost a lot of people. I understand that. But what about your daughter?" Taìn asks.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I almost killed her too and she wasn't even born yet."
"Taneya. If you want to be angry at the world, be angry at the world. But don't do that to Aonung. He cares about you" Taìn says before getting up to leave.
Ayrà had been locked up by her aunt.

"Please let me out. Please" She sobs.
"You said you supported your father. But after staying with that half breed only for a couple of days you turn your back on him? On us!" Her aunt shouts.

"I'm sorry" Ayrà sobs.
Just then, Ayrà's uncle walks in, throwing Neteyam next to her.

"Neteyam what are you doing here!" Ayrà shouts.
"I couldn't be without you I had to come" Neteyam replies as she's on the floor tied up.
"So this is Neteyam?" Her aunt looks to him.
"Don't hurt her. Please" Neteyam says.
I might stop naming chapters because I'm running out of ideas for chapter names🥲

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