Chapter 16- South

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Taneya and Aonung make Neytiri and Jake sit in their pod. With Tsekey there too.

"Taneya, i don't think it would be a good thing for you to fight. Especially when you are now a mother to a newborn child" Jake says.

"I am the Chief's wife, it is my duty to protect the people. I will not let Aonung do this on his own" Taneya says.

Jake looks to Taneya, "I know. But think about your baby."
"And what about when my child grows up? Hearing her mother could not help save people because I had a baby? Mother Neytiri has done this before. I am just as capable as her to get this done" Taneya replies.

Jake looks to Aonung.
He puts his hands up, dismissing himself, "she's the boss. You have nothing to worry about. I am here to protect her."

"I will fight with you too" Tsekey says, "I will help protect you" he then looks to Taneya and smiles. She smiles back at him, showing her gratitude.

"You left her when she was a child. Why would you protect her" Jake says.
"We have gotten past that. I have grown up and everything has happened for a reason. Please do not try and argue this, I am going to fight whether you like it or not" Taneya says to Jake.

Neytiri stops Jake from speaking, "Taneya my daughter. I am sorry, you know that Jake can be protective. If you chose to fight and help your people, we will be there to fight with you."

Tsekey gets up to leave.
Taneya sense the awkwardness and looks to Jake, "that wasn't a very nice thing to say to him. He's come all the way here to warn me and he's trying his best. If he really wanted to, he wouldn't have come to us."

"I told the truth. He did leave you as a child once before Taneya. And we took you in" Jake says.
"Jake that's enough" Neytiri looks at him.
"As a father figure, I respected you. Always. But you saying it like that, making it sound like taking me in was a chore, maybe it was all for nothing" Taneya stands up.

"No wait" Jake says to her.
"I heard mothers words. She says you are just over protective so I will leave it as that. But what's happened to me as a child with Tsekey, I will choose how to handle it. Not you" Taneya then walks off to find Tsekey.

"Why would you say such a horrible thing" Neytiri slaps Jake on the hand.
"I didn't mean it like that" Jake replies.
"We do not talk about the past. What happened had happened and we move on from it" Neytiri says.

"He has been trying really. Tsekey has" Aonung says to Jake and Neytiri, "I've been helping him learn how to adapt. He's been trying his best because he wants to help fight the fire people. You should not be so hard on him Jake."

"Father wait" Taneya calls out to Tsekey.
Tsekey turns around to his daughter, "Taneya why did you follow me?"
"I know what Jake said was hurtful and I'm sorry" Taneya says.

"No Taneya it is fine. As much as I want to forget the past I know that it cannot be changed" Tsekey says, "but you should not worry about me daughter. You should give all your time to your baby. Aonung. Your parents, Neytiri and Jake" Tsekey says.

Taneya walks up to her father, "father you have tried so hard. And I know mother (Ninat) would be so proud of you. Thankyou for coming here to warn us and help us."
"And I know your mother would be proud of you too. For growing up into a beautiful girl, pure heart a well mannered" Tsekey says, tapping Taneya's shoulder.

"She is proud of both of us" Taneya says.
They give each other a smile.

"Father, I know you have not been with me all my life. But I know deep down, you love me. And I love you. You are still my family, chosen by Eywa herself. I am happy you are my father" Taneya says.

Tsekey smiles as his eyes fill up with happy tears.

"You've even been a great father to my husband, Aonung. He's been going through so much and you've been there for him to fill the void of his late parents. You are a good person father" Taneya says.

"Thankyou daughter" Tsekey smiles at her.
Taneya, Aonung, Neytiri, Jake and Tsekey are sat at Taneya and Aonung's pod.

"We can't bring them here, they will destroy this place and the people here. They've been through enough" Taneya says.

"Where do we go then?" Aonung asks.
"I don't know anymore. This is all too hard. I just want to keep the children here safe. My own child safe" Taneya says.

Just then, they hear shouting from outside.

"Where is she? She is the reason we are going through this!"
"You're not allowed to touch her. She is the Chief's wife."

They all look to each other and run out.
Aonung keeps Taneya behind him, and she holds onto his arm.
They walk out to find Sereya, the Chief's wife of the South of the Pandoran ocean.

"Sereya" Aonung gives his greeting to her, "I see you. What brings you here?"
"I have lost all respect for you and your family Aonung! You married a half breed and now we all have to suffer!" Sereya screams.

"What do you mean? What's happened?" Aonung asks.
"They killed my husband. The forest people they killed my husband! Because of her!" Sereya shouts and tries to come to attack Taneya but Aonung is stood in front of her.

"I am so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen" Taneya says, trying to move forward but Aonung keeps his arm there.
He looks at Taneya, "do not come forward. I mean it."

"They destroyed our village. They burnt it down. They've ruined everything!" Sereya shouts.
Tsekey walks forward.

"Who are you?" Sereya asks.
"It does not matter. I can bring him back. Your husband, i can bring him back" He says.

"Father no" Taneya says, knowing he only has one life left.
Tsekey walks to Taneya, "daughter. It is only right."
"Please. Please don't. I can't lose you please" Taneya pleads.

"My husband is already dead. They killed him and left nothing of him. She deserves to die" Sereya says.
Aonung hisses at Sereya, "she is my wife. Do not disrespect her."

"And what about my husband?" Sereya says, "what about what's happened to him! They killed him right in front of me."

"Sereya. I'm sorry, that has happened to you. With my whole heart, I am so sorry. Your father was a good man. But so is Taneya. She's done everything she can to help me with leading these people. She doesn't deserve to be blamed for this. You know that the fire people want two things. To kill and take land. Taneya is not to be blamed for that" Aounung says, his arm still in front of Taneya. She holds onto his arm.

"Then stop this. They are still there. Go, and stop all of this. They are your people too. The people of our village are your people too. Help them too" Sereya says.

Taneya looks to Sereya, "yes. We will help them."

Taneya then looks to Aonung, "they need our help."
Aonung nods and looks to Sereya, "we will gather everyone together and we will fight. We are coming to the South."

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