Chapter 13- Family

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"Where are we going Taneya?" Aonung asks as he's getting dragged by her.

"It's a surprise!" She says with a big smile.
Taneya calls for her Skimwing.

She then holds out a blindfold.
"Are you going to kill me?" Aonung jokes.
"No silly. I just don't want you to see where we are going" Taneya says.

She puts the blindfold on and ties is.
"Just trust me" she whispers to him and kisses his cheek.
She helps him to get on the Skimwing, behind her before they take off.
Aonung and Taneya both arrive to the cove, near the spirit tree.
"We are going to go under the water now. So when I take the blindfold off, do not panic" Taneya warns him.

"Okay. I won't" Aonung replies.
Taneya gets off the Skimwing and holds onto Aonung's hand, helping him into the water.

Once they get underneath, Taneya goes to take his blindfold off. He opens his eyes, and sees the spirit tree next to him. He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head no at Taneya before swimming back up to the surface.

Taneya quickly swims back up too.

"Aonung" Taneya calls out.
"Taneya this is not funny. I told you I would never want to do this" Aonung replies.
"Aonung. Listen to me" Taneya holds onto his cheeks with both her hands, "remember when Neteyam died. You bought me here. To get closure. I am bringing you here to get closure."

"But I can't. I can't" Aonung says.
"Aonung, you parents have not heard from you since they had passed. You need to talk to them through the eyes of Eywa. I promise you, I am right here. I'll be holding your hand this whole time" Taneya moves one of her hands and holds onto Aonung's hand.

"I don't know what to say. If they want to see me" Aonung replies.
"You are their only son. Of course they love you. They've been waiting to here from you" Taneya says.

He nods, "okay. But please, do not let go."
"I never have and never will" Taneya replies, grasping onto his hand tighter.
They go back under the water, swimming towards the spirit tree.

He looks up at the spirit tree, before looking to Taneya.
She smiles and nods.
Aonung then uses the hand he is not holding Taneya's with, and brings his queue forward, connecting it to the spirit tree.

He closes his eyes and holds onto Taneya's hand tightly.

Aonung is at the beach alone. He walks around, trying to look for Ronal and Tonowari.

As he's looking, he sees Leìna feeding her ilu.
"Leìna?" Aonung calls out.

Leìna looks around until she sees him.
"Big brother!" She runs to him, "mamma. Father. Big brother is here!"

She wraps her arms around his legs, as her head only reaches his belly button.
Aonung then bends down, so his head is levelled to Leìna's.

Leìna pulls away from the hug, "I've missed you so much big brother" she says and then hugs him once again.

"I've missed you too" Aonung replies, putting both his arms around her, tightly hugging her.

"Son?" Aonung hears Tonowari.
He looks up and sees Tonowari, Ronal standing behind him.

He slowly stands up, looking at his parents.

Leìna runs to Ronal, "look. He's here! He's back from his trip!"
"Yes. Yes he is" Ronal replies, not taking her eyes off her son.

Aonung walks slowly to his father, as he is standing in front.
"Father" he looks down.
"Come here" Tonowari says and pulls him in for a hug.

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