Chapter 10- Understanding

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"What are you guys doing here?" Aonung asks them.
"What did you say to our sister?" Lo'ak asks.
"That does not concern you" Aonung replies.
"Yes it does when she's upset and doubting herself for being a good mother" Neteyam replies.

He sighs, "I didn't say that" Aonung says, "I just told her she could have got our baby killed. I was worried, okay? So far away from both of them knowing that something bad could happen."

"Saying she could have got her baby killed is worse than telling her she's a bad mother. Aonung, you don't understand what Taneya was going through to expect it to be easy for her to not worry about you" Neteyam says.

"The same way you were worried about her was the same way she was worried about you" Lo'ak adds on.

"A lot of bad things have happened at that reef. And you expect her to just not worry about you? That's a lot to ask for. Especially when she's carrying your child" Neteyam says.

Aonung stays quiet. Realising, the way he spoke to Taneya was probably not the best idea.
"You best figure a way to sort this out" Neteyam says to him.

"You're lucky she told me not to hurt you" Lo'ak adds.
Neteyam stops Lo'ak from walking forward to Aonung, "let's go."

They walk off.
Tsekey and Taneya are sat together, as they watched the people feel calm and happy, knowing that the fire people are nowhere near them. Meaning they have time to prepare.

"How are you daughter?" Tsekey asks.
She shrugs her shoulders, "maybe me being a mother is a mistake. I can't even handle myself let alone a baby."

"Taneya. Do not say things like this" Tsekey looks at her, "you are blessed with a child. It is a gift from Eywa because she loves you."

"Eywa chose the wrong person. I'm not fit to be a mother. I can't handle myself well with emotions and it can put my baby in danger" Taneya says.

"Who fed you this rubbish about yourself? Aonung?" Tsekey asks.
"No father" Taneya lies.
"Taneya just remember this. You are the one carrying this baby. No one but you will know what it feels like. So whatever anyone else says to you, do not take their word for it. They do not know what it is like to be under such pressure and have a baby at the same time" Tsekey says.

He then turns his body, and faces towards her, "the day you were born I knew that you were special. A miracle. Taneya you are a good person, with the kindest heart and purest soul. Your child is going to be so lucky to have you as their mother. You put others before yourself and care for others. You deserve to be a mother, just like anyone else."

Taneya looks to her father and smiles, "Thankyou."
Tsekey smiles back at her, "come on. Let's get you something to eat."
Taneya was on her own. She was practicing her shooting with a bow and arrow. It had become harder for her to practice after she was pregnant, because she was not able to have her posture right.

As she lets go to shoot, it misses the target by a mile.
"Unlucky" someone says.
She turns around to see Aonung behind her.
"Unfortunately" Taneya replies and looks away before getting another arrow out.

"Taneya" Aonung calls out.
"I'm busy" Taneya replies.
She lets go of the arrow and it hits just below the target.
"Taneya please, let's talk" Aonung says more calmly.

"I told you. I'm busy" she shoots another arrow again, finally hitting the target.
Aonung smiles, "you got it."
She looks at him and smiles before putting the bow down.

She walks forward to go and collect the arrows.
As she's collecting them, Aonung hold onto one.
She looks at him.
"Here" he says to her holding it out. She takes the arrow and turns away.

But he holds onto her arm to stop her, "I'm sorry, my Taneya."
She looks back at him and shakes her head, "don't be. You're right, I should have just listened to you."

"No, Taneya" he looks at her pleadingly.
"Did you find Aromì?" Taneya asks, changing the subject.
"We did but she's dead. The girl we found Ayrà, she's her sister. She's the one who killed her" Aonung informs.

Taneya nods and makes Aonung let go of her arm.
"That's not important right now" he says to her.
"It is. I have to tell Neteyam, we still have her child" Taneya replies.

She puts the bow and arrow down and walks away.
Aonung punches the tree next to him and grunts in frustration, "I always gotta speak out of context when I'm angry. What is wrong with you?" He says to himself.
Aonung walks to Tsekey.

Tsekey looks at him, disappointed.
"Before anything is said, I know. I was out of line for saying what I said to Taneya" Aonung says.
"Oh good. You are self aware" Tsekey replies.

"I was just worried. I thought something bad had happened and it made me angry and I took it out on Taneya when I shouldn't have" Aonung says to Tsekey.

"Son. It is okay to make mistakes in marriages. These things happen all the time. But why are you coming to me and not to Taneya?" Tsekey asks.
"I tried. She doesn't want to speak to me properly about it" Aonung looks guilty.

"Son she is hurt because she believes that she is a danger to the baby. And to you" Tsekey confesses.
"But she is not" Aonung replies.

"Well make her believe that then. An apology would not be enough to solve this, you told her she could have killed her baby. Now put yourself in her shoes. Think of how you would feel, carrying a baby for so long, taking care of it, doing your absolute best for so many months. And then someone tells you that you are the reason the baby will die" Tsekey tries to explain to him.

He then places his hand on Aonung's shoulder, "son. I know that you were worried. We are all here for you. Me. Your sister. Taneya is also here for you, but you should never say things like this to her. The baby can hear you too, the baby will be hurt to."

Aonung nods, understanding where Tsekey is coming from.
Just then Taneya walks into the pod.
"Father, I" she's about to speak but stops when she sees Aonung.

"I will come back" she walks back out.
"Daughter" Tsekey calls out.
She turns back around.
"Stay. Talk. I need to make some errands so I will see you later" Tsekey says.

He looks to Aonung and nods before going to Taneya.
"It's okay. Just talk" he says to her.
She nods and Tsekey walks out.

Aonung and Taneya are both stood opposite each other, not one of them has said a word yet.

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