Chapter 23

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Taneya, Jake, Neytiri, Aonung and Neteyam are riding back with the others. Including Ayrà and Tsekey, which Neteyam bought along with him.

"We should have a break. It is getting late and Tsekey looks tired" Jake says.
"He's right. We'll fly again tomorrow" Aonung says. So they land down for a break.

As they land, Taneya gets off her Ikran and walks away.

The others look at each other.

"Just give her some time. She's been through a lot" Jake says.
Taìn nods, "she will get better in her own time."

"I can't just leave her by herself. She's my wife" Aonung says.
"I know. You can talk to her. But don't rush her into getting answers or trying to get her better. It'll mess about with her head" Jake says. Aonung nods and then walks to go sit down with Taneya.

Neytiri then walks to Neteyam, "why did you go when we told you not to!"
"It was part of the plan but I didn't know they'd have her locked up" Neteyam replies.
Neytiri then looks to Tsekey, who is all dirty, "clean him up. Give him something to eat he looks hungry."
"Hey" Aonung comes and sits next to Taneya.
She looks to the other side away from him.
Aonung holds onto her hand, "it's going to be okay."
"After everything I've said and done?" Taneya says.

"Everyone knows that it wasn't you. I know that it wasn't you" Aonung says.
Taneya turns to look at him, "i never wanted you dead Aonung. I just didn't want my father dead either."

"I know. And that's okay" Aonung says, before opening his arms to her, "come here."
He pulls her in for a hug.
"Maybe when we get back, I should go to Tsahìk" Taneya says.

Aonung looks at her, "why?"
"I need to know why I suddenly switched. Why I suddenly had the urge to kill everyone. I need to know what's wrong with me" Taneya says.
"You are hurt Taneya. You have lost so much, you are just hurting" Aonung says.

"I think there's more to it. I just don't know what yet" Taneya says.
"We will find out. I promise" Aonung says before putting her head back on his chest.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Neytiri asks Jake as they're both watching Aonung and Taneya from behind.
"She's got him. She's going to be okay" Jake says.
They arrive back home.

"Brother. Sister. You are back" Kiri says as she sees them getting off their Ikran's.
She sees Ayrà, "oh. And she's back."
Kiri awkwardly smiles at Ayrà and then goes to Taneya.

"Ninat has been missing you" Kiri says as she has Ninat in her arms.
Taneya takes her from Kiri and holds her, "hello. I've missed you so much."
Aonung then walks to Kiri and Taneya.

"Thankyou for taking care of her so much" Taneya says to Kiri.
"Yes, we really appreciate how much you've looked after her" Aonung says to Kiri.

"It's okay guys. You've had so much to do the past couple of days. The most I could do was help" Kiri says.

Aonung holds Taneya from the waist, looking down at Ninat.
"She's smiling" Aonung says as he notices his baby girl smiling. He smiles back at her.

Taneya is also smiling whilst looking at her but then she looks to Aonung, "take her."
"Why? What's wrong?" Aonung asks.
"I need to go see Tsahìk" Taneya says and gives Ninat to Aonung.

"Is she alright?" Kiri asks as Taneya walks away.
"I hope she will be" Aonung replies as he watches her walk away.

Kiri and Aonung's eyes then shift to the others, as they're muttering under their breath, looking at Ayrà and Tsekey.

"Well. This is going to be very awkward for everyone" Kiri says.
"Well if Neteyam is in love with her, there's not much we can do. She'll just have to learn how to adapt" Aonung replies.

"You don't sound to happy about her" Kiri says.
"Of course not. I don't know how this will effect the people. Taneya especially, her father being killed because of them. I just don't know what's going to happen" Aonung says.

They both continue to watch as Ayrà walks away awkwardly with Neteyam in front of her.
"Taneya. Have a seat" the Tsahìk says to her.

She sits down in front of Tsahìk, "I need to know what's wrong with me. Why have I become like this? Like I feel empty? I need help."

"Taneya I will have to ask you to lay down so I can put you to sleep. The only way I can find out what is happening to you is by getting inside your head" Tsahìk says. To Taneya listens to her and lays down.

But she opens her eyes and looks to Tsahìk, "but if you put me to sleep, Aonung will also fall asleep."
"I will warn him about this. Just stay put" Tsahìk says.
Taneya nods and closes her eyes.

Before she knows it, her brain is completely shut off.

It's dark. She sees something grey. Almost looking like wind in the dark.

She sees Mo'at.
"Grandma?" She calls out.
"Taneya I'm so sorry" she says.
"Why? Why are you sorry? What's wrong?" Taneya says.

She looks down near her grandma, seeing Ionia on the floor, wounded.
She runs to her, "my beautiful girl. I'm so sorry they did this to you."

She looks straight and then sees Ronal and Tonowari, with Leìna.
"What is happening?" She stands up and walks back, as she's being surrounded by all the people in her life that are dead.

She gets tapped on the shoulder and turns around to see her father, Tsekey.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you Taneya" He says.
"You're all already dead. How is this happening?" Taneya asks.

"You have to let us go Taneya" Mo'at says.
Taneya turns to Mo'at.
"Let us go. It is the only way for you to be at peace" she says to Taneya.

"You grandma is right Taneya" Tsekey says. 
She turns to her father.
"You are not going to stop grieving until you let us go" Tsekey says.

She begins to hold her head and curl down as she's being surrounded by everyone.
"My brother will keep being hurt if you don't let go" Leìna says.
"You are his wife. Don't put him through that" Ronal says.

"Daughter" Ninat calls out to Taneya.
"'No no no" Taneya holds her head tighter and squeezes her eyes shut.

The Tsahìk opens her eyes, and sees Taneya moving her head frantically.
She presses on Taneya's heartbeat gently, calming her down.

Taneya calms down and her eyes open.
She looks to the Tsahìk.

"Taneya. Your peace. It's gone" Tsahìk says.
"What do you mean?" Taneya sits up.
"You have held onto these deaths for too long. They have disturbed your peace. You no longer have inner peace" Tsahìk says.

"But Aonung" Taneya looks worried.
"Aonung's peace is not strong enough" Tsahìk says, "I'm sorry. But you will have to let these people go. You will have to let these deaths go" Tsahìk says.

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