Chapter 19- Change

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Taneya, Aonung, and the rest of her family are gathered around, some people from the forest and the Metkayina clan too. At the cove, to lay Taneya's father down.

Neytiri and Jake hold onto his body, bringing him to the ocean. Taneya is not able to as she is holding Ninat.

Taneya looks away once she sees they're bringing his body. She cannot bring herself to look.
Aonung watches as the put his body under the water at the cove.

Some of the forest people knew Tsekey. They respected him and seen him as their big brother.
They cried as they watched him being buried.

"He lies with our ancestors" Aonung says to them all, "he is now one of us."
They all nod around, paying their respects to him.
As Taneya is sat inside with Ninat, Neteyam walks in.
"Taneya we need to talk" Neteyam says.
She does not respond.

"Taneya you should have not done that to Tsekey (Aromì's child)" Neteyam says, "I understand what the people did to your father but he is just a child."

Taneya stands up and looks at Neteyam.
No expression in her face.
"You want him? Go. Get him. You can go back to the forest and stay there with him. And Ayrà" Taneya says.

"Taneya. That's not" Neteyam tries to talk but Taneya cuts him off, "you think I'm stupid. I know you're in love with Ayrà. I'm not stopping you from going back to get them."

"Why would you kick them out then?" Neteyam asks.
"Why would I want to see them. If you want to see them by all means go. Get out of here and don't come back" Taneya says.

She turns away and sits back down, next to Ninat.
"Taneya you don't mean that" Neteyam says.
"I do. And when I kill her, you'll see how much I mean it" Taneya says.

"Taneya. I'm your brother. You would not put me through this. This is not you" Neteyam says.
"I lost Ionia. We lost our grandma. I lost both my parents" Taneya says and then looks up at him, "you think I'll trust them?"

Neteyam is shocked at seeing his sisters reaction.
His sweet younger sister, who saw the good in everyone. She's broken.

He walks out not saying anything.
As Neteyam's walking out, Neytiri and Jake see him.
"Neteyam?" They call out.
He looks to them.
"Why did you go to Taneya?" Jake asks.

"I wasn't thinking straight. She's not the same anymore" Neteyam says.
"She's been through a lot" Jake says to him.
"I know. And I did a stupid thing" Neteyam says.

"What did you do?" Neytiri asks.
"I told her that she shouldn't have kicked out Ayrà and Tsekey. She knew I was in love with her. She told me to leave" Neteyam says, looking hurt.

"She does not mean that. You are her brother" Neytiri says.
"I know. But it hurts" Neteyam replies, "it hurts to see my sister like this."

"Don't you leave or go anywhere without telling us" Jake says to Neteyam.
"I won't" He replies and walks off.
Aonung walks into the pod just shortly after.

Taneya sees him but doesn't say anything.
He sits down next to her, "hey."
She smiles at him.
"Ninat's asleep?" He asks.
She nods.

"Taneya I'm sorry about everything that's happened" Aonung says.
She shakes her head.
He sighs, "please talk. Say something. Anything."

"You did nothing wrong Aonung" Taneya says.
He nods, "I'm sorry regardless. Losing my parents, I know what it feels like. But you still have Neytiri and Jake."

She nods, "yeah sure. Whatever."
Taneya lays do, facing his back towards her.
Aonung looks shocked as he sees her reaction to what she just said. She usually adored Neytiri and Jake.
Taneya falls asleep so Aonung walks out to the beach to get some fresh air. He sees Jake sitting down and joins him.

"Hey" Aonung says to him.
He nods in response.
"Taneya's not herself anymore" Aonung says.
Jake nods his head again, "I should have kept him with her."

"Well you didn't know it was going to happen" Aonung replies.
"It was the first time Taneya has ever been upset with me like that. I never expected to hear her tell me to get away. To never come back."

"She's just upset" Aonung replies.
"She is. But I could see it in her eyes. She meant it what she said. I know Taneya very well" Jake replies.

"You bought her up. She loves you. She was so excited for you to meet Ninat. She is just hurt because she met her father after so long, creating a special bond with him. She's just hurt. I know her too, she did not mean it trust me" Aonung says.

Jake just nods and then looks down.
There was a silence, before Jake spoke again, "I lost my mother. Of course she is not here, because you know I was human. But when I lost her I was only 15. I went through this phase where, I began to hurt people. Physically. I'd get into fights constantly. It was how I got my aggression out."

Jake sighs.
Aonung nods, "you don't want Taneya to go through that."
"I know people deal with grief their own way. But I'm scared Taneya might push the people who love her away. No one was there to help me" Jake says and then looks to Aonung, "she has you. You're her peace."

He nods, "yeah I am. And I am willing to help her. But you need to stay too."
"I have no business being here" Jake says.
"You want to show your daughter you love her right. Prove it to her. Stay here. Help her" Aonung says.

"I appreciate it. But I know she'll push me away" Jake says.
"There's been many times me and Taneya have argued since being married. She pushes me away a lot. But I don't stop. I continue to fight till she gives in. That's why our arguments don't last long. I show her I love her by pushing her in when she tries to push me away" Aonung says.

"Yeah. Maybe I need to learn how to do that" Jake replies.
It's the next day.
Taneya and Jake are sleeping when Lo'ak runs in waking them up.

"Taneya. Aonung. Neteyam's missing" Lo'ak says.
Aonung sits up in shock, "missing? How?"
"Come outside. Mother and father are waiting outside for you" Lo'ak says and runs out.

Aonung looks to Taneya.
"Yeah I'm coming" she says with her eyes still closed but she can feel his gaze on her.
Aonung walks out.
"We went to check up on him this morning and he was just gone" Neytiri says.
"We've checked everywhere" Jake says.

"I will get some people to look for him. Check around the ocean maybe he's gone to the reef" Aonung says.

"He's gone to find Ayrà and Tsekey" Taneya says and walks out.
"But he said he wouldn't" Jake replies.
"He came to me last night and told me" Taneya says.
"And you didn't tell us?" Neytiri asks.
"I'm telling you now, aren't i?" Taneya replies.

"Taneya" Aonung calls out to her.
She rolls her eyes, "he's only going to find her because he's in love with her. He's going to go back to the forest and have his perfect little family with her over there."

"Taneya. Neteyam is your brother" Neytiri reminds her.
She shrugs, "tell him I said hi."
As she's turning to walk away, Jake calls to her, "you can tell him yourself."

She turns around, "excuse me?"
"Come with us to help find him" Jake says to her.
He tosses a gun to her, "you can kill some people. It'll be like a party."

Taneya looks to the gun and smirks.
She looks back up at Neytiri and Jake, "I'm in. Dibs on Ayrà the silly bitch."

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