Chapter 11-

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I don't know what to name this chapter 💁🏻‍♀️

"Why did you come to my father?" Taneya asks.
"I just needed to speak to him that's all" Aonung replies.
Taneya nods.

There's another awkward silence between the two.

"Is that it?" Taneya asks.
Aonung looks at her, not saying anything.
She nods, "very well."

As she turns to walk out, Aonung stops her as he calls out to her, "Taneya wait."
She turns around to look at him.

"Look the truth is I was angry. At myself, not at you. I was angry that I was not there to protect you or the baby when it was happening. I spoke out of context, I did not mean to hurt you" Aonung tells her.

"I know. Which is why I said you don't have to apologise" Taneya replies bluntly.
Aonung walks to her and holds both her hands,

"Taneya, you are not a bad person. You are not a bad mother. What I said to you, it's not true. It is not your fault" Aonung looks at her guiltily.

She looks up at him, and sees he has a mark on his face.
"What happened to you?" She asks him as she lets go of one of his hands and touches the mark.

"When I was trying to hold onto Ayrà, she punched me in the face" Aonung confessed.
"Come, I will put some ointment on for you" Taneya makes him sit down.

She goes through her fathers things and finds an ointment to put on him.

Taneya then goes to sit opposite him.

Aonung watches her as she ties her hair up.

He then remembers something.
"Taneya turn around" he says.
She looks up at him confused, "what, why?"
He turns her around anyways.

He looks to the back of her neck, the same place he blew on her. There were no marks. He sighed in relief.

"What are you doing?" Taneya asks.
"Nothing. Everything is fine" Aonung replies.

She shakes her head and turns around.
Taneya takes the ointment, placing it onto Aonung's face. She blows on it so that it stings less.

After she's done, she looks at Aonung.
He stands up and walks to her, helping her up.

"Taneya, why do you keep changing the subject?" Aonung asks.
"I'm not" Taneya lies.
He looks at her and tilts his head.

"I said, it's fine. Everything is fine" Taneya lies again. She turns the other way.
"I thought you told me not to hide my feelings from you. Why are you hiding your feelings from me?" Aonung asks.

"What do you mean?" Taneya turns around.
"You're saying that you're fine. I can see you are not fine Taneya" Aonung says.

"Aonung. I'm not hiding anything. I just agree with what you said. It was my fault, I panicked for no reason even though you were fine. I cannot handle my emotions or take care of myself properly. I am not fit to be a mother" Taneya says.

Without saying anything, Aonung walks towards her, pulling her close and kissing her.
Taneya gets shocked by his sudden move.

As he pulls away from the kiss, he rests his fourhead on hers, with his eyes closed.
"Aonung" Taneya calls out.
He opens his eyes, looking at her, both his hands cupping onto her cheeks, "Taneya. You are going to be the best mother. The greatest mother ever. Please do not say you are not good enough to be a mother."

She blinks a couple of times, still in shock.
"Oh okay" she says to him.
"What I said, I did not mean it. I did not mean any of it. You are no harm to the child. I promise" Taneya says.

She nods.
They both look at each other and smile.
Taneya walks to where Ayrà has been kept captured.
She walks in, seeing her sat, tied up, looking tired and unfed.

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill your sister?" Taneya asks.
"Because, she is a betrayer" Ayrà replies.
"That was your sister. Your own blood. How could you do something like that?" Taneya asks as she look at Ayrà in disbelief.

"She is a betrayer! She doesn't want to fight against you. You are a demon!" Ayrà shouts.
"Why? Because of these hands?" Taneya holds her hands up.

Ayrà looks at her in shock, "you do not deserve to rule."
"You can call me a demon. But I'm not the one who killed my sister" Taneya says, "you've left her child motherless."

"My sister does not have a child" Ayrà says.
She looks at Ayrà confused.
"You don't know? She has a son. Named Tsekey" Taneya says.

"Why would I believe anything you say?" Ayrà asks.
"Wow. I can see now why she did not tell you. You cannot be trusted even as her sister. She had no one, that's why she bought her child to us. You were meant to be her sister. Have her back, protect her" Taneya says.

"I have my people to protect. Why would I protect someone who does not want to get rid of half breeds like you?" Ayrà says.
She then looks to Taneya's stomach and a smirk appears on her face.

"You and your baby will both die. We do not need anymore half breeders on this land" Ayrà says.
"I will kill you and anyone who tries to touch my baby" Taneya replies.

"You think you can defeat those who are true Na'vi? We have been fighting for years. You are nothing compared to us!" Ayrà shouts.

Taneya moves to Ayrà, pulling her hair back.
Ayrà laughed, "your husband did the same thing. You're both the same. Stupid!"

"Except my husband didn't kill you. He told you he'll wait for his wife didn't he?" Taneya gets her knife out, holding it against Ayrà's neck.

Ayrà begins to sweat as she feels the sharpness of the knife against her throat. As she gulps, Taneya watches her and smirks before moving the knife away.

"You do not know what I am capable of. Which is why I suggest you shut your mouth" Taneya then punched Ayrà in the mouth, causing her to bleed.

"Don't touch my husband again" Taneya says and walks out.

It's the next day.

Taneya and Aonung are out swimming. Aonung thought it would be best for them to spend some time alone together, after all the hard days they just had.

"The sun is shining so bright on my face" Taneya says, putting her hand in front of her face because she couldn't see.

Aonung swims towards her, moving her hand away and placing it on his chest.
She looks at him confused and he laughs.
"I just like your hands on me" Aonung says and shrugs.

"And I like it when your hands are on me" Taneya replies as she moves closer to him, putting her arms around him.

He holds her from her hips and gently pulls her closer, "normally I would have pulled you closer a lot better. But you know" he says and looks down at her stomach.

"You're trying to say I'm fat?" Taneya asks.
"What? No" Aonung gets confused.
"Nope I see how it is. You think I'm fat" Taneya dramatically flicks her hair and looks away.

Aonung moves closer to her neck and plants a little peck on it, "I did not say that."
Taneya laughs and blushes at his little peck.
"You love kissing me on my neck, don't you?" She asks him.

"Of course. Knowing you feel so sensitive" he moves in to her neck again, "when I'm this close to you" he whispers and his breath tingles her neck. She closes her eyes as she feels tingly. Once again.

"You really like that don't you?" Aonung says.
"Only from you" Taneya replies.

Taneya suddenly moves backwards, looking down at her stomach in shock.
Aonung holds onto her stomach, "what is it my love?"
"The baby. It kicked" Taneya says excitedly.

The baby kicks again, this time Aonung feels it as his hands are still placed on her stomach.

Aonung then looks up to Taneya in excitement.
Without moving his hands of her stomach, he goes in for a kiss.
As he pulls away, he looks at Taneya with pure love, "I can't wait for us to be parents. You'd be the best mother ever."

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