Chapter 3- The Fire People

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"The fire people."

The fire people are just the same as Aonung and Taneya and every other Na'vi out there. They are Na'vi's. But they are red. Red eyes, red skin colour. Not only the appearance is different. But the personality too.

The reason that other Na'vi's stay away from them is because they are dangerous. It's in their nature for them to cause harm to others. They are just the same as they sky people. Wanting to destroy Pandora and everyone living in it, who are not them. But what is worse, is that they are Na'vi's. They are meant to protect Pandora. But because of their greed of wanting Pandora to themselves, they have done nothing but destroy the place.

"The reason they are after Taneya is because they believe that she does not deserve to be a chief's wife. Because you have the same right as Aonung. Meaning, you lead with him. And they do not think that people who are half breed deserve to do that. And because of the way that they are, they will not hesitate to destroy all the villages here" Tsekey tells them.

"We have to protect the people. They cannot lose their homes. Their families. Because of this" Taneya looks to Aonung.
"Which is why we fight" Aonung replies.

"But we said we were done with fighting. After the sky people had gone we promised that we would not fight again. It destroyed many of us. Our people will not want to go through that again" Taneya says.

"Taneya" Tsekey calls out.
She looks to her father.
"This young boy is right. You will have to fight. Not only will you have the Metkayina clan. The Omoticayan Clan are coming here very soon. We will fight these people together. You just have to agree" Tsekey says.

Taneya looks back at Aonung.
"I will respect whatever choice you make Taneya. But if you want to help the people we have no choice but to fight for them" Aonung says.

Taneya looks down to her stomach and holds it.
Aonung puts his hand over hers.
"I promise I will keep you and our baby safe. I will not let anything happen to both of you" Aonung assures her.

After some thought, Taneya looked back up at Tsekey and Aonung, "tell the forest people to make their way. We will fight and protect our homes."
Tsekey flys away from them, on his Ikran.

Taneya's siblings and Tsireya come to Aonung and Taneya.

"What happened? Why did he come here?" Kiri asked.
Aonung and Taneya looked at them.
The look that let them know that something will happen.
As they gathered everyone around from the clan, Aonung let's go of Taneya's hand and walks forward, as Taneya chose to stay back with her siblings.

"The person who had come today was Taneya's father. Tsekey. He has informed us that there will be war. And it will include us because we are the main target" Aonung tells them.

They all mutter to one another. Taneya doesn't say anything, but she keeps her head down.
Kiri hugs her from behind, as she rubs Taneya's arm for comfort.

"But. We have done this before. We have fought before. We can do it again. And we are not the only people who will be fighting. The forest people will be coming here, to our land, as they will help us and fight with us. Against the fire people" Aonung says.

You could hear a bunch of gasps and murmurs through the crowd.
"I know that it was said there would be no more fighting. But we have no choice but to protect each other. Protect our home. Our people" Aonung says.

A lot of people from the clan look towards Taneya, whispering to each other. Aonung notices this.
"I will not allow for people to point fingers. Not at my wife, or her siblings. This has nothing to do with them and is not their fault. The fire people are known to want to start war because they want our land. The only fingers we should point at are at the fire people."

Aonung glares at the people that point at Taneya, and they quickly put their fingers down.
"Just remember everything that we have done for you. That my wife has done for you and how she has protected you. I will not hesitate to fight one of you if you try to hurt my wife in any way."

He dismisses the clan and walks back to Taneya.
"Hold your head up" Aonung says to her as he holds her face.
She looks at him.
"Remember. I am going to protect you. No matter what" Aonung says.
As Taneya is laying down, Aonung joins her and lays down next to her, facing her.

"It was weird" Taneya says to him.
"What was?" Aonung asked.
"Seeing my father. After so long. I don't know whether to be mad at him for leaving me or happy to actually see him" Taneya says.

"Whatever decision you decide, I will agree with. If you want to be upset with him, I will be there with you and be upset with you because you have the right to be upset. You were a child. But if you're happy to see him then I will be happy with you" Aonung says.

She holds his hand and smiles, "what did I do to get so lucky?"
"You came here, as a forest girl, and put me in my place. That's what you did" Aonung says.
"Me putting you in your place is what made me lucky?" Taneya asks.
"Yes. Because I instantly fell in love with you. I love a fierce girl" he says and moves his face closer to her, "a sexy, fierce girl."

"Aonung I'm already pregnant. Let's not put another baby in me please" Taneya says.
Aonung laughs, "that too. Your humour towards me, I love it. It makes me laugh."

Taneya giggles.
"You're cute when you giggle" he says to her.
"Alright Aonung that's enough" Taneya says and turns the other way.

Aonung puts his arm forward, on her, as he leans in closer to her ear, "why? Is it making you feel some type of way?"

"Yes it is. And unless you want twins, move" Taneya says.
"Well. The more the merrier" Aonung jokes.

Taneya looks back at him giving him a death stare.
Aonung laughs, and moves back, "yes wife."

He closes his eyes and pretends to sleep.
It's the next day and Tsekey has come back. Aonung and Taneya had decided to let him say, as it would help because he knows a lot that they do not. And also because, he had mentioned to Taneya before how he did not have long left. They wanted to let him stay to show their gratitude.

"Today you will be learning how to ride an ilu" Taneya tells Tsekey.
"But aren't I a bit old for that? The other big animals you have" Tsekey says.
"You mean Skimwing" Taneya corrects him.
"Yes that. I'd prefer to ride one of those" Tsekey says.

"I think it's best you start of with an Ilu" Taneya says, "just to see how well you can ride."
"Very well" Tsekey replies.
Aonung, who is stood next to Taneya, helps Tsekey get onto the ilu.

Tsekey gets his queue out, connecting it to the ilu without putting the strap on.
He goes off without the strap.
"Tsekey wait!" He calls out.

Tsekey gets taken into the water and falls off the ilu.
Taneya laughs.

Tsekey gets back up from the water.
"You have to tie the strap" Aonung says.
"Oh right. Sorry" Tsekey says.
Taneya folds her lips together, controlling her laughter.

Tsekey gets back on the ilu and helps Tsekey tie the strap on. Then he brings his queue forward, connecting it to the Ilu.

As he rides, he does a lot better, and gets the hang of it quite quickly.

Taneya watches as she sees her father enjoying himself riding the ilu, as Aonung is with him, riding his own Ilu along side him, helping him to adapt and learn.

She looks down at her baby, "maybe you'll get to see your grandfather."

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