Chapter 22

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It's the next day.

Taneya, Aonung, Jake, Neytiri and Taìn continue to fly to the fire people's island, along with the forest people who are not far back flying with them.

It's silent between them as they fly. Taneya does not want to speak to them. Neytiri and Aonung are both hurt. And Aonung cannot say anything as he doesn't know what to say.

As they're flying Taìn begins whistle.
Jake looks back at him and smiles.

He continues to whistle.
"Taìn shut up" Taneya says.
"Why? I'm whistling a song you like" Taìn says.
"Liked. Past tense. Move on" Taneya says.

Aonung looks to Taìn confused.
"It's a song her mother used to sing to calm Tsekey down. My father learnt this song from Ninat too. That's how he saved Tsekey" Taìn says.

"I can see the island. Over the right" Jake says.
They all fly to the right, making their way to the island.
Taneya stops.

Taìn turns around, "what's wrong? Scared?"
"No. But I'll see you there brother" she says and flies off.
"Where has she gone?" Aonung looks back.
"I'm not sure. But I wouldn't worry. She won't kill you" Taìn replies.
Neytiri and Jake land on the island with the others behind them apart from Taneya.

"Neytiri. Half breed" Ayrà's aunt says as she looks to Neytiri and then Jake.
"Great to meet you too" Jake replies with a straight face.
"Where is our son?" Neytiri asks.
"He's the one who came here. Uninvited" Ayrà's Aunty replies.
"Give him back and we will leave you alone" Neytiri says.

"No. But you can exchange him with the Chief's wife. Taneya" Ayrà's aunt says.
"No" Aonung walks forward, "you do not get to negotiate like that. She is my wife. My family."

Ayrà's aunt looks to her husband, "bring them out."
Aonung sees Tsekey, Aromì's child stood on his own. He seems as if he has been crying. He looked dirty, like he had not been cleaned.

The husband then brings out Neteyam and Ayrà, both of them tied up.
"Don't hurt her!" Neteyam shouts as he's being pulled away from her.
"Don't hurt him!" Ayrà shouts as she's being pulled away from him.

Ayrà's aunt grabs onto Ayrà and throws her onto the floor. She then walks to Neteyam, holding him from his hair, with him on his knees and a knife to his throat.

"Do the trade. Or he dies" The aunt says.
"No! Neteyam!" Neytiri shouts as she holds her hand out to him.
"We can do whatever you want. But we cannot give you Taneya" Jake says.

"We need to find her. Where is she?" Aonung looks back.
"I don't think that'll be necessary" Taìn says as he's looking up.
Aonung looks up and sees Taneya. Flying a Ikran, holding the gun in her hand, and a body of one of the fire people in her other hand.

As she's on top, she drops the body in front of the Aunt.
"Son!" Ayrà's aunt screams.
"Aww. I'm so sorry to hurt him. I didn't mean to. But he was in my way" Taneya says to the aunt.
She looks at Taneya with anger.

"You're in my way too" Taneya says before she shoots again.
She has the right aim, but Ayrà's uncle runs forward to protect his wife.

Ayrà's aunt falls to her knees and screams.
"Awwh he protected her. What a tragic love story" Taneya says.

She then begins to shoot the other villagers. She laughs as she kills them.
"I don't think this is a phase anymore" Taìn says, "I think she is genuinely pissed off."

"Oh no" Aonung says as he looks at her and realises she has a grenade in her hand. One which she stole from Jake.

"How did she even get that?" Jake says as he taps himself.
He looks at Taneya, realising she stole all of them.
"Neteyam. Get down!" Jake shouts.

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