Chapter 17- The Last Life

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Jake and Aonung gathered the people around.

Neteyam walked to Taneya, holding onto Ayrà.

"I thought she was dead" Taneya says.
"Just listen to what she has to say" Neteyam says.
"I will help you guys. There's something I didn't tell you" Ayrà says.

"Speak" Taneya replies.
"Txep. The leader I told you about. The truth is, I am his daughter. Me and Aromì, we are his daughters" Ayrà confesses.

Taneya looks at her, "and you inform me about this now? They have just ruined the village up in the south. And you think I should trust you?"

"You have to. I'm your only hope. He would surrender because I was the only daughter on his side" Ayrà says.
"Was?" Taneya asks.

"Neteyam, your brother. He told me everything that's happened. I know my father is a bad man. And I will prove to you I am on your side but you will have to take me with you" Ayrà says.

Taneya grabs her from the back of her neck, "if you're wrong about this, I'll kill you myself."
She takes Ayrà with her on to the Skimwing.

Tsekey comes to his daughter.
"I will see you there daughter. Be safe" he says.
"I though you are going with me?" Taneya says.
"I've been orderd to go with some people from the forest. Because I have an Ikran. I will be there daughter. I promise" Tsekey says.

She nods and her father goes off.

Kiri comes to Taneya.
"Be careful" Kiri says to her.
"You too. Look after everyone. Look after Ninat for me. I will see you soon" Taneya says.

"Right, let's go!" Aonung says to the Metkayina clan, and Taneya.
Taneya makes a whistle noise and he swim off on their Skimwings.
"Where is the Chief's wife!" Txep asks one of the villagers.
"We don't know her. She does not live here, she is from North!" the villager shouts back.

"Sir, we've looked for your daughter everywhere. She is not here" One of the fire people says to Txep
Txep grunts, "where is Ayrà!"

"Taneya does not belong here. She is the wife of Aonung. Aonung does not live here!" One of the other villagers shout.

Txep looks to the villager and then back to one of the fire people, "Kill her. She's making too much noise."

Taneya and the others have moved close to the village. They see the flames, and the village destroyed, with bodies laid down in the ocean as they swim towards the village.

"Oh no" Ayrà says as she looks at the bodies laid dead in the ocean.

Taneya looks to Aonung. He turns around and holds onto her hand, "we do this. Together."
Aonung then guides the people to go under water on their Skimwings. Taneya has Ayrà with her.

They all divide and split up, Aonung goes with Taneya.

"Sir, look up" another one of the fire people come to Txep.

Txep looks up to see Ikran's flying in the sky. About 100 of them. With people from the forest ready to attack.

Txep looks to his people, "get ready, we have company."
Neytiri is flying on her Ikran and shoots a fire person in the chest.
The fire people then begin to throw weapons up at them.

Aonung then comes up from his Skimwing, along with Taneya and Ayrà.
"You guys go that way, go and untie and many people as you can" he whispers to Taneya.

She nods and goes, taking Ayrà with her.

Whilst the forest people are stalling the fire people, Taneya begins to untie everyone.
"I'm so sorry. Go, go!" She whispers to them as she continues to untie them.

One of the fire people turn around and notice Taneya.
"Sir! It's the Chief's wife!" He shouts.
They all turn around, and Taneya quickly grabs onto Ayrà, pulling her in front of her on her knees, whilst Taneya is holding her from her hair with one hand, and the other holding a knife against her neck.

"Father please. Leave these people alone!" Ayrà says.
"My daughter" Txep looks at Ayrà.
He then looks to Taneya and hisses trying to move closer, but Taneya brings the knife closer to Ayrà's chest.

"Come forward and I will kill your daughter. Right in front of you" Taneya says.
"Okay. I won't. Just let her go and I'll leave with my people" Txep says.

"Nice try. Untie the rest of the people" Taneya says.
Txep looks to the people, and then to one of the fire people on his right, "untie them."
Aonung is going through the pods, as he kills at least ten of the fire people already, getting the mother and children out and taking them to the ocean.

As Aonung is doing this, Tsekey is on his Ikran, watching over him.
He then sees that there is someone behind Aonung and shoots him with an arrow in his back.

Tsekey gets his arrow back and hits the fire person, the arrow goes through his heart and kills him. He then flies down from his Ikran to Aonung.

"Son" he calls out to Aonung.
Aonung looks at him and smiles, "tell Taneya I am so so sorry."
"No son. I will not let this happen. I will not let you die" Tsekey says to him.

"Don't. Don't give your last life to me. Taneya needs you" Aonung says.
"No. Taneya needs you. You are her husband son. She needs you. Taneya will not want you to die without seeing your child grow up. My time is done here. I will save you. And you must get back up and go. Help Taneya" Tsekey says to him.

He begins to mutter something under his breath before he blows it onto his hand.
He then turns Aonung over, his back facing Tsekey.

He blows onto the wound too, and with the same hand he blew on, he covers the wound, putting his other hand on top.

He continues to mutter and looks up.

"I'm coming Ninat" he says. He takes a final breath before he gasps and falls to the ground.

The scar on Aonung fades slowly.
As Txep's people are untying the people, Tsekey's Ikran lands on the village, in front of Taneya, but facing the fire people.

Taneya notices it's her fathers Ikran. She can sense something is wrong. She walks to the Ikran's face, still holding Ayrà.

She looks to the Ikran and can see the Ikran is crying.

"Just give my daughter back, and we will go!" Txep shouts. Taneya throws Ayrà in front of Txep, and quickly jumps onto the Ikran. She connects her queue and the Ikran flies off.
The Ikran brings her to the other side of the village.
She gets off and looks around.

"Father!" She calls out.

She continues to walk and sees Aonung on the floor.
"Aonung!" Taneya runs to him and goes on her knees. She turns him over on his back.

He looks at her faintly, "I'm fine. Taneya I'm sorry. Your father."
Taneya looks next to Aonung and sees Tsekey.

"Father" she whispers.
"He gave his last life" Aonung says.

Taneya goes to Tsekey and holds onto his face.
"No no" she moves her fathers face around.
She can see he's no longer breathing.

"Father!" Taneya shouts.

Jake and Neytiri can hear her as they're flying on their Ikran.

"It came from that way" Neytiri points to the back of the village, "go!" She says to Jake.

Jake goes to find Taneya.
I just want to let you know I post videos of trailers and stuff on tiktok so follow me if you want to see- @avtarjunkie ❤️

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