Chapter 4- The Child

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Aonung and Taneya are at the beach in the evening. Aonung had said to her that every week he'd bring her for them to have some alone time with a beautiful view. Mostly because he knew that she loves to watch the ocean when it was eclipse.

Aonung helps Taneya to sit down before he sits opposite her.
"If we have a girl, what do you want to call it? I have an idea in mind" Aonung says.

"Well I quite like the name Eylene" Taneya suggests.
"I think if it is a girl we should name her Ninat" Aonung says.

Taneya looks at him shocked, "what do you mean?"
"Well, I think Ninat is a good name. She will grow up to care for her people well. Fight for her people. Be a good leader once we no longer exist. And also because it is the name of your mother."

"Aonung, are you sure that is what you want?" Taneya asks.
Aonung nods, "I wouldn't want anything more than to name our daughter after Ninat."
Taneya smiles, "and if it's a boy?"

"Oh Aonung Junior for sure" Aonung says proudly.
Taneya laughs at his cuteness.

"Aonung. I love being with you here. All the time and in this moment. But I am scared" Taneya confesses to him.
"What are you scared of my love?" Aonung asks, holding onto Taneya's hands.

"We're bringing an innocent child into a world like this. Constant war, people always wanting to fight for land. It's scary" Taneya says.

"Right I understand. But we must trust in Eywa. Only she can help us" Aonung says. 
Taneya nods, "no you are right. Eywa holds all her children in her heart. If she knew it wasn't safe she would have not let this baby come to us."

"You are going to be a great mother Taneya. You have nothing to worry about at all" Aonung assured her.
As they're enjoying their date, they hear some noise coming from a bush nearby.
"Stay back" Aonung says, as he gets his Metkayinan knife out.

He walks to the tree, holding the knife out.
"What is it?" Taneya whispers.
He tells Taneya to wait by holding his hand up, peaking into the bush.

She sees Aonung drop the knife and pick something up. When he turns around to Taneya, he's holding a child. A boy, who looks about 4 years old. Red skin, red eyes.

"We need to call your father" Aonung says.
Taneya nods and Aonung helps her up before they walk inside to Tsekey.
"He is definitely from the fire people" Tsekey says.
"What do we do? We can't just leave him. Or kill him. He's a child" Taneya says.

"If he has come here, that means there is a fire person around somewhere. He could have not made it here by himself" Tsekey says.

"Maybe someone left a note or something? We should go back and check properly" Taneya says.
"I'll go. You stay here. I don't want anything to happen to you" Aonung says.
"No. We will go together. I will not let you go alone" Taneya replies, grabbing onto a Metkayinan knife.
They walk back to the bush, leaving the child with Tsekey.

Taneya keeps a look out whilst Aonung goes behind the bush.

After a while he comes out, holding a paper in his hand, "you were right."
As they turn around, they jump after being startled by Neteyam, Tsireya and Lo'ak.

"What are you guys doing here?" Taneya asks.
"What's that paper in your hand?" Lo'ak asks.
Aonung and Taneya look at each other and sigh.
"Follow us" Taneya says as her and Aonung walk off with the others behind them.
As they're sat down, Aonung begins to read the note.

My name is Aromi. This boy is my child. I have left him here because I am in danger. Yes I am part of the fire people. And I know you have heard the news. About them wanting to attack you. The truth is, I don't agree with what they are doing. I never have. Which is why I have left my child here, for you to keep safe. The people hate me already as they know I am not like them. I do not choose to fight. Please, do not let anyone know he is with you. Please, keep my baby boy safe.

"Wow. That must be so hard for her. Leaving her child her" Neteyam says, and then looks to Tsekey, "may I?"

Neteyam holds his hands out as he wants to pick the child up.
Tsekey gives Neteyam the child.

"Hi there buddy. What's your name?" Neteyam asks.
The little boy doesn't respond.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you" Neteyam says.

The little boy grabs onto Neteyam's pinky finger.
"Dadda" the little boy says.

"He doesn't even know his own name" Taneya says.
"We can give him a name" Neteyam says.

"What do you think?" Aonung says and looks to Taneya.
She sighs, "well he's a child. And I don't want to put him in harms way. So we will keep him. Hopefully his mother will come back."

Taneya then looks to Neteyam, "would you be able to look after him?"
Neteyam nods, "of course. I'd be happy to" he says as he looks down at the child, who is still holding onto his finger.
It's the next morning. Taneya goes to check up on Neteyam and the child, before heading to her father with Aonung, to help him ride a Skimwing.

As Taneya enters the pod that Neteyam stays in, she sees him playing with the child.
Neteyam is running after the child.
"I'm going to get you!" He says, pretending to run slow.
The child laughs as he takes little steps, flapping his arms.

Taneya smiles, as she's happy to see Neteyam happy, and okay.
"Now you have to watch Taneya. Watch how she positions herself. Once you learn how to position yourself properly you can try" Aonung says.

He looks to Taneya proudly, as he sees her getting into a Skimwing and riding it, making it look so easy, because she is so amazing at it.

Tsekey then has to take a turn. Aonung helps him up, onto the Skimwing.
Taneya, who is still on the Skimwing, looks to her father, "I will ride with you."

He smiles, because his daughter wants to do something with him.

As he gets in position with the strap on, Taneya tells him to go first, and she follows.
She watches as he's flying and then goes underwater and back up again.

Taneya cheers, "you did it!"
Her father smiles at her.
She smiles back at him.

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