Chapter 1

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"So you've never like... Kissed or anything?"

"For the millionth time, Bruno. We haven't, no."

"Not even while drunk?"

"These two? Drunk?" Diogo snorts. "They've never tasted a single drop of alcohol. Not judging here tho, to each their own."

"Not even while drunk, no" Rúben says.

"And you aren't curious? Everyone keeps telling you that you are made for each other, so maybe they are right about it. Maybe there is something there."

"No, we aren't curious" Mila says.

"I don't believe you. I do not" Bruno insists, taking another sip of his drink. "You've known each other since forever. There must have been a point where you've thought, umm, my best friend is hot, what would happen if I kissed her?"

"Why does it have to be me?" Rúben complains. "Maybe she is the one who thinks she has a hot best friend."

"Let's be honest, Rúben" Diogo says. "She's always been hot. You, on the other hand..."

"Idiot" he replies, hitting him in the head.

"Careful there! Imagine that you injure me before the season starts and the media finds out it was you!"

"A United-City war would start" Mila laughs.

"Definitely" Diogo says.

"Is that a reason why you've never tried anything? Because you play for rival teams?" Bruno asks, not letting go of his favourite topic of conversation.

"We've been living together since we moved to Manchester, and by now everyone knows. That isn't an issue" Mila says.

"Yeah, but sharing your flat with the enemy, isn't the same as shagging your enemy on your flat."

"Bruno!" Mila says, hitting him on the arm.

"See? Another thing you have in common. Violence!"

"We aren't violent, we just have very annoying friends" Rúben says.

"I think Bernardo disagrees" Diogo chuckles.

"Whatever" Rúben says, rolling his eyes. "I'm gonna go get myself another drink. Do you guys want anything?"

"I'm fine" Mila says.

"All good" Bruno and Diogo reply.

As Mila watches Rúben walk towards the bar, she thinks again about what Bruno is constantly telling them. That they would make the perfect couple since they already are best friends and have known each other their whole lives. And quite literally.

Their families lived next to each other for years, and their mothers were pregnant with them at the same time, Rúben and Mila being born just a few months apart. And even though she ended up moving somewhere else, they still were going to the same school, spending the afternoons together at the other's house or at the park playing football. Which was another thing that made them become best friends. Football.

The other kids never wanted to let Mila play because she was a girl, and they always left her behind. But Rúben would tell them that if they wanted to pick him, they would have to pick her too, that they played together. And since he was the best among them, they didn't have other choice, and that's what they would do. Play and defend together. She's pretty sure they both ended up playing on that position because of all those games, having a similar character on the pitch probably too. Because they both are professional football players.

They played for Benfica, made it to the first team, and then left for the same city and on the same summer. Though while Mila signed for Manchester United, Rúben signed for Manchester City.

At first they thought that it would cause a lot of drama, especially because everyone knew they were best friends. Rúben even decided to hide when he went to watch her play, afraid someone would recognize him since he was more famous than her. But no one seemed to care, not even when the media somehow found out that they were living together despite being very careful with what they shared on social media.

Only a bunch of idiots online saw it as treason and were constantly insulting them, and then, of course, they had some shippers who made all type of crazy theories about their personal lives. Bruno loved reading them and sharing all the details with them.

"You say you've never thought about having something with Rúben, yet look at you. Staring at his butt as he walks away" Bruno says.

"I wasn't staring at his butt, I was just thinking."

"About his butt."

"About how I could murder you, hide the body, and get away with it."

"See? Violence!" Bruno says to Diogo.

"Let them be, bro. One day they'll realize that they've always been in love with each other, and you'll be able to finally tell them I told you."

"We aren't in love with each other" Mila says. She's never felt anything for Rúben beyond the love you could have for a brother, never felt jealous of any of the girls he's dated. Though she must admit that all the comments and dms he's started to get this last season from girls (and some boys too) who seem to have discovered he exists, have started to bother her a bit.

"I just hope that day comes rather sooner than later. I'm tired of waiting" Bruno says.

"We, are the ones tired of constantly hearing you talking about the same" Rúben points out, sitting down again.

"Then let's make a deal" he says with a mischievous smile. "If you both win the League this year, you'll have to at least kiss and do it in front of us."

"If you want to see people kissing, watch a movie" Mila laughs.

"Oh, that's a great idea! Film it! That way we'll be able to show it to your children and grandchildren" Bruno suggests.

"We are not going to record ourselves kissing" Rúben says.

"I promise that after that, I will leave you alone. We will leave them alone, right, Diogo?"

"You are the annoying one, not me" he says.

"You both are" Mila replies. "Bruno is just louder."

"Whatever" Bruno says. "It'll be just a kiss, and only if you both win the League. What are the chances?"

"Thank you for the support" Mila says, rolling her eyes. "We all know he'll have it easier than I will."

"Then there is nothing to worry about, right?" Bruno smiles.

"I guess... What do you think, Rúben?" she asks him.

"If we do it, will you stop being an annoying little shit?" he asks Bruno.

"I will. I promise" he says, putting his hand on his heart.

"Then fine, ok. We have a deal" Rúben sighs.



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