Chapter 14

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"Hi there."

"Oh, shit, Rúben. Aren't you supposed to be leaving for the US?" Mila says, walking into their apartment.

After spending a couple of days at Ella's, catching up on everything that had happened during the summer, she had finally decided to go back home. But she wasn't expecting to find Rúben there. Since the men's team start the preseason before they do, she thought they wouldn't have to cross paths until they had properly started the season. Looks like she was wrong.

"The flight got delayed because of some storm in Florida" he shrugs. "How was the summer?"

"Good, good. Yours?"


After that, it's just silence. Very awkward silence.

"I'm gonna go unpack" Mila finally says.

"Yeah, sure."




"Mila?" Rúben says after knocking on her door. He's leaving for the US today, but before he goes, he wants to speak with her one last time. It'll probably be one of the oddest conversations they've ever had, but he needs to know if her time away actually meant something. And also who was the guy she was hanging out with.

"Come in" she says.



"I just wanted to check on you before I leave. Everything ok?"


"How was Spain? Did you have fun?"

"I did, yes. I really missed the girls."

"What about those new friends you met?"

"Oh, them. They were really nice."

"How did you meet?"

"At a pub. They were on a stag party and invited us to a round of drinks."

"You drank alcohol?"

"Oh, no" Mila chuckles. "I had a juice."

"So your friends left you alone while they got drunk?"

"One of the guys didn't drink either, and we made each other company" she says, feeling her cheeks get warm. He knows that something happened with Rafa. He definitely knows. Though he didn't check her Instagram stories or her friends' after that night...

"What about the wedding?"

"That was amazing. I had a really good time and learnt some new dance moves."

"Good. That's good."

"What about you? Anything interesting?"

"Nah, just the usual. Though we all missed you" Rúben says, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

"I'm sorry I didn't go. I needed time."

"And now? Do you still need time?"

"I think I do, yes. We have a crazy beginning of the season and I want to focus on that. On training and playing."

"Makes sense" Rúben says, still looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Mila. Take all the time you may need."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


"I better go check I packed everything" he says, moving towards the door.



"Before you leave... Can I get a hug?" Mila asks, also finding the floor super interesting.

"Of course you can" he says, feeling his heart jumping of happiness the moment she is on his arms.

"Take care, ok?" she says to his neck, hugging him as tight as she can. She had missed this so much.

"You too. Don't let those two crazies convince you to do something stupid."

"Ella and Lessi? Doing something stupid? Never" she laughs.

"I'm being serious" Rúben says, moving so they are looking at each other.

"I promise I won't let them convince me to do something stupid" Mila says, rolling her eyes.


"But you better do the same and stay away from Jack."

"I will" Rúben chuckles. "Anything else?"

"Nope, just that."

"See you soon, Mila" he says, kissing her cheek and making her feel goosebumps all over her body.

"See you soon, Rúben. And safe travels."

"Thank you" he replies, finally letting go of her and missing her already.

Best friends... forever?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant