Chapter 24

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Author's note: Now that Mila and Rúben are (finally) together, the story changes a bit and and focuses on something different but still related to them and their relationship. You could say it is like a part 2, and this plot will start on this chapter and last until the end of the story (chapter 30). Hope you like it, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜



"Hello, Jack. Sasha."

"Umm" she murmurs, not lifting her eyes from her phone.

"Please tell me that those boxes mean that you fixed things with Rúben and are coming back" Jack says.

"I am, yes."

"Oh, did you hear that, Sasha! They are back together!"

"Umm" she repeats, typing something.

"I am so happy for you!"

"Thank you, Jack."

"Oh, Rúben, mate" he says to him when he sees him walking into the lobby with my huge suitcase. "I am so happy you and Mila fixed things and are back together! I was so sad when I heard you had broken up and that she had moved out."

"We... What?" he asks with a confused look.

"Yeah, mate. I even told Sasha. Didn't I, love?"

"You did. And hello, Rúben" she says, finally looking up from her phone and giving him her best smile.

"Like, you've known each other since you were kids, moved here at the same time to be together... You are like couple goals! You can't break up!"

"Jack, we..."

"Oh, I just had an idea!" he continues, not allowing Mila to finish her sentence. "We should go on a double date! That would be nice."

"I... We..." Rúben and Mila say to each other, not knowing what to do.

"I think it is a fantastic idea" Sasha says. "I'll organise everything, and you just focus on your football and finding a nice outfit. Though you won't have any problem with that, Rúben."

"And neither will Mila. She looks hot with whatever she wears, even a potatoes sack" Jack laughs.

"Yeah..." Sasha says. "Anyway, I'll check the best restaurants in the city, see if I can get us a table, and keep you updated."

"Ok" Rúben replies.

"Fantastic news! Come here, you two" Jack says, throwing an arm around Rúben's waist and another around Mila's, hugging them. Though the hand that is on her, starts to move down and dangerously close to her butt.

"We should probably go upstairs and start unpacking, you know how tedious it is" Mila says, taking a step back and getting away from Jack.

"Tedious?" he repeats.


"Oh, yes" Jack laughs. "We'll leave you to it. See you soon!"

"Bye, Rúben" Sasha smiles as they leave, completely ignoring Mila.


"What would happen if one day I punch her in the face?" Mila says once she and Rúben are on the lift.

"Probably that Jack will ask you to take of your clothes and keep fighting on the mud while he films it."

"Sounds like him, yes. Can't believe he thinks we've been dating since forever."

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