Chapter 21

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"Happy Valentine's Day, Rúben."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mila. Please come in."

"Thank you" she says as she walks into their apartment. "I got you something."


"Yep. My favourite ones. And you can't say no to eating at least one, you promised."

"I'll eat one, don't worry" he chuckles. "I also got you something."

"Aww, red roses. How original" Mila says, rolling her eyes.

"I always get you red roses for Valentine's Day, it's our tradition."

"I know, I was just teasing you. Thank you."

"Why don't we sit down and talk for a bit, uh?" Rúben says, moving towards the sofa.

"Yeah, sure" she replies, following him.

"So..." he says after a few seconds in silence. "I wanted to apologize for what happened at the game. Jealousy took over me, and I hate it. I'm not like that. At all."

"I know that you aren't."

"And I also was a dick when I asked you to move out. I don't know why I was so cold with you."

"Well, I had hurt you. You were on your right to behave like that" she shrugs.

"But I could have been an adult, you know? Do things differently."

"It's ok, Rúben. I deserved it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were right. I kept saying one thing and then doing the opposite, I played with your feelings. And instead of trying to figure out how I felt like normal people do, I followed Eva's advice and slept with a guy to prove some kind of theory."

"A theory? What theory?"

"That if I was able to flirt with a guy without thinking about you, then make out and have sex with him without also thinking about you, it meant that I didn't have actual feelings for you."


"I didn't think about you."

"I see..." Rúben says, not being able to keep looking at her.

"But he apparently looks like you, so the theory didn't work."

"It didn't?" he asks, looking at her again, his heart starting to beat really fast.

"Nope. All the girls agreed on it, so" Mila shrugs.

"What does that mean, then?"

"It means..." It means that I love you, Rúben, she says to herself. "It means that Rafa didn't mean anything, he is just a friend. And also that I've figured out how I feel, but that I'm not ready to be open about it. Not yet."


"Are you mad?"

"Mad? No, no" Rúben says, taking Mila's hand on his. "I'm... Can I be completely honest?"

"Of course."

"I'm relieved you don't feel anything for that Rafa. For a minute there I thought the worst."

"He is just a friend. Yes, we slept together, but he also knew nothing else was going to happen. And in the friends scale, he is at the bottom, definitely not close to the girls or Bruno and Diogo for example."

"I didn't know you had a friends scale."

"I just made it up" she laughs.

"And may I ask who is at the top?" Rúben asks with a smile.

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