Chapter 11

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"Your phone is ringing."

"I don't have a phone" Mila says, hugging Rafa a bit tighter.

"Yes, you do" he laughs. "And it is ringing. What song is that?"

"I don't know, my best friend chose it for me." Her best friend. Rúben. That had been the first time she had thought about him since meeting Rafa. Could Eva be right with her theory?

"Are you picking up or not?"

"If I can find it" Mila sighs, letting go of him and trying to figure out where her phone is.

"I think it is over there" he says, pointing at the end of the bed.

"How did it end there?" she asks, moving until she is lying on her stomach, her head and arms hanging from the end of the bed while she searches for her damned phone. Why did Rúben choose such a horrible song? Was he planning on torturing her?"

"I don't know, I was too busy kissing you and taking off your clothes."

"Hello?" Mila says after finding her phone under Rafa's boxers.

"Finally!" Ella screams. "Where were you?"


"Girl, it's almost 1 p.m."

"I had a long night."

"A good one?"

"A very good one" Mila says, feeling Rafa's hands moving up her legs.

"That's very interesting. What's his name?"

"Rafa!" she yelps when she feels him biting one of her butt cheeks.

"Couldn't resist" he whispers, moving to be on top of her and leaving kisses all over her back.

"Wait, wait, wait" Ella over the phone. "Is he there with you?"

"More than with me, he is on me" Mila giggles, Rafa tickling her while he kisses her neck.

"Oh... my... God."

"Don't move. I want to fuck you like this" he whispers again into Mila's ear, making her feel goosebumps all over her body.

"Ella, I have to go."

"To get railed?" she laughs.


"Have fun, girl."

"Oh, I will" Mila says, letting her phone fall to the floor, not caring about hanging up.


"Here she is!" Eva says when Mila walks into the house.

"Here I am" she replies, sitting down on the sofa.

"How was that Spanish dick?" Eva asks, elbowing her.

"It was really good, thank you. Yours?"

"Disappointing. You got the good one."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Eva" Mila says, hugging her friend.

"You are back!" Miriam screams, the girl she was talking with the night before walking behind her. "This is Ali, by the way."

"Hello, Ali. I'm Mila."

"Nice to meet you" the girl says.

"So, breakfast and catch up?" Miriam asks.

"Miri, love, it's 4 p.m."

"Really? Wow."

"When did you arrive home?" Mila asks her, trying not to laugh.

"The sun was already out" Ali says.

"And we didn't go straight to bed. Not really" Miriam adds, making Ali blush.

"So basically you both had a wonderful night, while mine sucked" Eva pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We'll find you a nice guy, Eva. Don't worry" Mila says, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Nah, there is no need. I'm just happy you found yours" she replies, resting her head on Mila's. "But wait, did my plan work? No Rúben?"

"Who is Rúben?" Ali asks Miriam.

"Long story short, Rúben and Mila have been friends since forever, but something changed this year, and they ended up having sex. Multiple times. And now she doesn't know if she has actual feelings for him or if it is just physical, and she is scared of ruining their perfect friendship because of it."

"Ok... And the plan was?"

"To find a nice guy, see how far she could go with him, and if she thought about Rúben while doing all that. Did you think about him?" Eva asks Mila.

"Not until this morning when Ella called me. I had forgotten he had chosen my ringtone for me."

"That's great! Then now you know you don't have feelings for him!"

"Doesn't she?" Miriam says. "She just slept with a guy who looks cut from the same cloth."

"Rúben and Rafa? No way" Mila chuckles.

"Think about it. Both of them are tall, tanned, play football, have amazing bodies, a beard, wear their shirts with half the buttons open for some reason..."

"Their names start with R..." Ali adds.

"Are you telling me... That I didn't think about him because I met someone who looks like him?" Mila says, the good mood she was in starting to disappear.

"I'm afraid so" Miriam shrugs.

"Fuck" Mila whispers, sinking on the sofa.

"Hey, no. We'll try again, we'll find you another nice guy" Eva says, trying to cheer her up.

"And he will also have things in common with Rúben."

"But maybe that's just because you have a type?" Ali suggests, also trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah, I do. My fucking best friend" Mila says, feeling tears coming to her eyes. Because it's not just that Rafa reminds her of Rúben on the outside. His character also is very similar to his, and now that she thinks about it, the things she liked the most about him, are the same things she likes the most about Rúben.

It wasn't just physical attraction or the spring making them horny. She has feelings for Rúben. Real feelings that go beyond friendship. And she can't keep lying to herself anymore.

She is falling in love with Rúben.

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