Chapter 20

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"Rúben, mate. Did you see what happened to Mila?"

"To Mila?"

"Yeah, look" John says, showing him his phone. "The article was posted today, but it says it happened a couple of nights ago."

"I gotta go" Rúben suddenly says, taking his car keys from his locker.

"Go where? Rúben... Rúben, wait!" John calls.

But he can't hear him. He has already walked out the door, his heart beating so fast and loud, that the world around him has disappeared.


"Rúben, what are you..." But Mila doesn't have time to say anything else, his hug having such strength that it almost leaves her breathless.

After the initial shock, she hugs him back, and she does it as tight as she can. She knew she missed him, but not this much. She missed the way his arms felt around her, the way her head rests on his shoulder, his warmth, his smell... No, she didn't miss his smell. At least not this one.

"Rúben, you stink" Mila laughs.

"I'm sorry" he says, still hugging her. "John showed me the article about what happened right after we finished training, and I just ran out the door."

"I don't know how they let you in. You don't belong here."

"Peter knows me from when I've come to pick you up before, and he has always had a soft spot for me" he says, moving a bit so they are facing but avoiding looking her in the eyes. "How are you? Are you ok?"

"I'm ok."

"What happened?"

"What you read on that article. Someone broke into my house."

"But you weren't there, were you?" Rúben asks, his heart back to beating way too fast.

"I wasn't. I was staying with Lessi, it was Bake Off night."

"Thank God" he sighs, resting his forehead on hers.

"I was very lucky" Mila says. "The neighbours who were sleeping were drugged, but one who was awake was beaten up."

"That's horrible."


"But what did they steal? Anything of value?" Rúben asks, one of his hands now on Mila's face, his thumb caressing her cheek.

"Just the tv, some stuff from the kitchen, and my expensive bags. They also went through my jewelry, but they saw there was nothing of real value. My watch is the only thing worth something, and I was wearing it."

"And your laptop? If they have it and hack it..."

"They will only find those really bad photos I've taken of you over the years" she chuckles. "But don't worry, I had it with me. You are safe."

"That makes me feel a lot better" he smiles, finally daring to look at her properly, at those eyes he had always loved. "But are you sure you are ok? You aren't staying there, are you?"

"I'm staying with Lessi. The police still are checking some things and I'm not allowed to go back."

"You can come home, you know? To our apartment, I mean. It still is yours too."

"I don't want to bother you" Mila says, not being able to keep looking at him.

"You won't be bothering me. And I'll be sleeping a lot better knowing that you aren't alone."

"You haven't been sleeping?"

"I have. But falling asleep has taken me more time than usual since you properly moved out because I keep thinking about you being there on your own. About how you could be feeling. You've never liked being alone."

And he wasn't wrong about that. Mila had always shared her house with someone. Family, friends, him... And being on her own for the first time had been very tough. That's why she would find any excuse to spend the night with one of her friends, staying at her apartment just when it was strictly necessary.

"Why don't you come over for Valentine's Day?"

"What?" Mila says, meeting his eyes again.

"Just as friends. We can watch a movie, cook something... maybe even eat some chocolates?"

"Will you eat some?" she asks with a cheeky smile.


"Oh, c'mon. You always eat just one! Make it two. Do it for me" she pouts.

"Ok, fine" Rúben sighs, trying not to smile. "Just two. Don't try to negotiate for more."

"Because you know I will win?"

"Exactly" he chuckles. "Is this a yes, then?"

"It is, yes."

"Mr. Dias!" someone says behind them, making them take a step back and away from each other. "I'm afraid you are at the wrong training center. Or did you finally decide to join the good side of Manchester?"

"Still a citizen" Rúben says, pointing at his clothes. "I just needed to check on a friend."

"We all have been a bit worried about her lately" the member of United's staff says. "Good to know she still has your support."

"Always" Rúben says while looking at Mila, making her feel things she hadn't felt in a long time, things she thought she would not feel again. "And I better go."

"Yes, please go take a shower" she laughs.

"Call me when you make it home, ok?"

"I will."

"Take care" Rúben says, kissing her cheek just like he always did before their feelings ruined it all. Though after today, maybe things could be fixed. Maybe they could make it work. Maybe they could go back to what they were, the best friends in the world. Or maybe, they could be something else.

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