Chapter 28

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"You guys are on The Sun again."

"Shut the fuck up" Mila says, ripping Diogo's phone from his hand.

"What is it with you women and violence on this trip?"

"Maybe it is what you deserve" his girlfriend smiles next to him.

"Shh" Mila shushes them while reading the article.

"Again?" Rúben says behind her, leaning on the back of the deckchair where she is sitting.

"Again" she replies, her eyes still fixed on the phone.

"What happened?" Bruno asks. "I thought we all were going into the pool?"

"Mila and Rúben are on The Sun. Again" Diogo says.

"What? How?"

"They have photos of us from the other day when we were on the boat, both at the pier and at sea. They followed us" Mila explains.

"Wait, they also got photos of us?" Bernardo asks. Now everyone is outside in the garden, all around Mila's deckchair.

"No, just us. Don't worry" Rúben says. "But how did they know?"

"This is Ibiza. There are paparazzis everywhere and we have posted that we were together" Diogo shrugs.

"But how did they know where to go?"

"Sasha" Mila says.


"When we saw her and Jack, she asked you about where we were going, what we were doing that day. She tipped the paps and sent them after us."

"I thought your agent had said you weren't interesting enough" Bernardo chuckles.

"That's what she said, yes. But looks like she was wrong."

"Ok, but why would Grealish's girlfriend send the paps after you?" Bruno's wife asks.

"Because she apparently hates Mila" Rúben says, rolling his eyes.

"I know you don't believe in my theory, but look. She and Jack got papped that same morning, and again, she looks amazing on the photos, she knew they were there. And if you check the credit, the photographer who took her photos is the same who took ours. She sent them after us."

"Or maybe he was the one working that day? Like Diogo said, this is Ibiza and they knew we were here because of Instagram. It isn't that hard to spot people" Rúben says.

"That's your theory, I have mine. We'll see who is right about it when we make it home."

"What are you going to do?"

"Face Sasha, of course" Mila says, getting up from her deckchair.

"Oh, God" Bruno says.


"Just try to be nice, ok?"

"I always am nice."

"Have to disagree with that" Diogo says behind her.

"I am nice. If I wasn't, your phone will be flying to the pool instead of resting on the deckchair" she grins.

"You are so scary sometimes, Mila. No wonder Rúben likes you."

"What does that mean?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest and making Mila stare, forgetting for a moment that she's kind of pissed at him.

"Ask Bernardo and his neck" Diogo laughs.

"Here we go again with me bullying him."

"You do bully him a bit" Bruno points out.

"Really? You all think that about me?" Rúben says, looking around, everyone nodding. "Mila?"

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