Chapter 13

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"Is that for me?"

"Yep" Rafa smiles, giving Mila a red rose. "It may be too much, but I don't know, I saw a guy selling them earlier and couldn't help myself."

"I love it when people get me flowers. Thank you." Rúben always gets her a bouquet after she's won a big game. After losing it too. Rúben...

"Are ok you?" Rafa asks her. "You look... I don't know. Weird. Are you sure you want to go out?"

"I do, yes" Mila says. "I need to keep my head busy and stop thinking for a while."

"May I ask what has happened?"

"I'll tell you at the restaurant."



"I know" Mila says, taking a bite of her food.

"So you are in love with your best friend, who happens to be Rúben Dias, the Manchester City player."

"I'm not in love with him. I am falling in love with him. It isn't the same." Or that's what she tells herself.

"And you came to that conclusion thanks to me?"

"Yeah... And I'm so sorry about it. You probably feel like I used you or something."

"Oh, it's ok. I knew this was just a fling, that it wasn't going anywhere. Our lifestyles and the fact that we don't live in the same country, make trying something very difficult. To be honest, I'm flattered" Rafa shrugs.

"Flattered? What do you mean?"

"You said you chose me because I reminded you of Rúben, and he is like... Fitness, style and career goals. And you, who know him better than anyone, found some of the things he has on me."

"That's... Weird. But ok, if it makes you happy" Mila chuckles.

"Very" Rafa smiles.

"Then can we stay as friends? I wouldn't mind having someone I can visit in Sevilla."

"The doors of my house will always be open for you. But what are you going to do now? Are you going to tell Rúben?"

"Oh, no. No, no, no. Just the thought of it makes me feel this thing in my chest and... No."


"I don't know. We still have a couple of weeks left before the preseason starts, so I guess I'll go back to Portugal with the girls."

"You are leaving Cádiz?"

"Next week it is Eva's brother's turn to stay at the house, and he invites his friends. We have to leave" Mila shrugs.

"Then come to Murcia with me."


"You said you've never been, right? I think I can convince Pablo to let me take you as my plus one to the wedding. If you want, of course."

"Rafa, are you... Are you sure? Wouldn't it be awkward?"

"Nah" he says. "So tell me. Are you in the mood for a Spanish wedding or not?"


"She isn't coming?"

"Nope. She's staying with some new friends she made" Rúben says.

For the first time in years, Mila is missing their "Portuguese gang" reunion at the end of the holidays. And it doesn't feel ok.

"New friends? Who?" Bruno asks.

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