Chapter 6: The Plan

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Amber and I met on Xbox 360. We are huge gamers mostly Call of Duty and Minecraft, but she is also big in to horror games, so out of everyone in my group of close friends I see her being the most calm. Her and I are really close and I trust her with every single secert of mine and I have told her all of them.

"So what is your plan if you don't care to enlighten me?"

"Well when you talked about ghost adventures I started thinking."

"Oh god."

"Oh shut up this time I think I'm actually on to something."

"Just all the more reason to worry haha."

"Well I was thinking they do the over night investigations and Chance doesn't get scared easily nor do you, Megz isn't going to sleep at all with Jacob like this she's to worried, Jacob can't really pitch in his opinion, I can't do scary of course you know that, but ghost investigations are my one exception to that."

"So that's your big plan."

"No there's more just wait. I think if we figure out why it is there."

"Well we know why it wants to kill us."

"But why does it want to kill us and if we figure that out I think we can beat it at its own game."

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"I haven't quite figures that part out yet but I will at somepoint tonight."

"Well I hope so or else we all die and I don't know about you, but I dont feel like dying tonight."

"Yeah neither do I. Just go in and get your camera and I will wait here so we can got to the store get a couple of recorders and another camera plus a few other things."

"Ok I'll be right back."

She got out and went in her house to get that camera. I wanted to sit alone and think for a few. I knew it was a bad idea when I think it usually isn't good thoughts, but I gave my self more credit for some reason. Just I keep thinking what if Jacob isn't ok, and if he isn't ok then I know Megz won't be ok for awhile if ever. I just don't want to loose any of my friends. I see Amber coming back and get ready to hold the camera.

"Ok here it is with extra batteries and all. Off to radio shack?"


We were off, but all I can think is all this started all because I agreed to a stupid game that I knew better then to play and all this can end badly because of me.

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