Chapter 18: The Closet

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Why was I so angry at Jacob, Megz, Chance, and Amber. I don't get it they never done anything to me, but I feel like I want to break their neck. I felt annoyed with Holley too. I wanted her to get out of the closet I didn't want her in this room or even in the house. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what.


"What yeah sorry?"

"Are you ok? You don't look to good. Maybe you should go stand in the hallway."

"No maybe you should go samtand in the hallway, or you know what maybe you should go stand outside. No one wants you here you aren't needed here."


"He doesn't matter I'm the only one that matters."

I head him running up the stairs, and I felt like I wanted to kill Holley for what she just did. Then everything just went black. I don't even remember what I did when he came up the stairs. All I saw was Mary and her in the hospital room. Its like I was standing there as a mist. No one knew I was there. Then all of a sudden she started freaking out and flat lined. The nurses and doctors came running in trying to save her. I don't know what happened everything went black again. Then I was laying there in the Chances room on his bed with everyone over top of me freaking out. Like they thought I was dead, but I was watching myself. Like I was standing there trying to get there attention saying I was ok, but they couldn't hear me. Was I dead? No there's no way. Then it went black again. I heard everyone but I couldn't open my eyes. I was still alive, but its like my body had shut down.

I just keep thinking is this what happened to Chance and Jacob. Is this why they couldnt remember what had happened. What if I die? Will everyone be ok with out me? Will all my friends be ok? I just....I didn't want to die. I don't want to leave them. They mean to much to me all of them. Chance, Megz, Amber, Jacob, and Holley mean way to much to me to leave them.

What if I have no choice? What if this is how everything was supposed to end for me? This is it. This is all I get. I get friends who love me and will do anything for me who are the best family I could have ever asked for. Yeah I could die knowing I had an amazing life. I am happy with the life I lived. I had amazing friends and family with the most amazing memories with each of them.

What if I get to choice? What if I get to choice if I stay of go? What would I pick? Would I pick to stay for the sake of my friends and family or would I die knowing I had an amazing life? I don't know.

What if all of this isnt real? What if I just wake up and all of this never happened? I would be so happy.

It all went black again. Was I waking up? Or dying?

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