Chapter 7: The Prep

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We had went to Radio Shack and I bought 4 voice recorders, one camera with night vision, batteries, and an EMF detecter or something to measure static electricity. I would have bought a temperature device thing but Amber already has one and I saw no since in wasting money. Amber and I drove back to Chances. When we walked in it didn't look like anything had changed. Other then Chance had called our friend Mary to come over and sit with Megz to make sure she is ok. I hope she is and I need to fill Mary in just in case Chance didn't already. God I hope he did because I really don't want to relive all that again.

"Hey Jen are you ok?" Amber asked me.

"Yeah just thinking and thoughts going out of control."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah just get Chance and Mary over here so I can explain everything to them, and you go over and sit with Megz to make sure everything is ok. I need to have sort of a meeting with those two."

Amber went over and whispered it to both of them. I fell bad leaving Megz out of all of this, but I just don't think she can mentally handle it right now. She appears to love Jacob and only those two know what happened up stairs and where it was going to go before the whole closet thing. I just don't want her to be hurt in the end.

"Hey Jen Chance told me everything how are you doing with all this?"

"Holding it together, but its a good thing your here we need you tonight. Chance did you call momma Dana?"


"What did she say?"

"She asked what was wrong and if she needed to come home I said nothing and no I just needed to be here alone with all you guys. She said ok but I can't have sex, drink, smoke, or get in any trouble of any kind."

"Ok well those should be the least of our worries at the moment anyways. Has anything changed with Jacob?"

"I can see his eyes moving so I know he is living but he is dreaming. We can't wake him up we need to wait till he wakes up by himself, but he should be fine."

"And how's Megz?"

Mary stopped Chance. "She's ok for the most part just not wanting to lose the person she loves."

Chance pitched in. "Yeah basically."

"Ok is she able to deal with all this or no?"

"I think she can. Do you think so Mary?"

"Yeah she could."

"Ok well then when we are done here Mary you can fill her in I think she would take it best from you right now."


I filled them in on everything I explained to Amber and they understood and agreed with everything I said we started setting everything up and got Meghan up and away from Jacob to help for a few. Mary watched Jacob while she helped us. When I looked back I saw his hand move like he was waking up.

"Ahh hey Chance."

"Yeah what sis?"

"Look at Jacob."

"He is waking up."

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