Chapter 16: The Possible Death

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Mary dead I couldn't believe it there's no way she could be dead. She was just at Chances helping us with this thing that probably just killed her. There's no way she has to be alive she is to tough to die.

"Let me see her now." I walked over to see her laying there not moving at all. Blood surrounding her body. I never wanted to see my sister like that, but I knew better then to think she was dead. I got down beside her to check her pulse. Barely anything but I got something.

"She still has a pulse. We have to get her to a hospital now."

"And say what we messed with a Ouija board and some demoned wants to kill us and now our friend is laying on the floor almost dead!" Amber says looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Yes if that's what it takes for her to live. Then yes."

"Ok I'm calling 911." Donovan said.

Holley stayed right beside me and Sierra beside her. They won't leave me they see I'm going through to much right now. The ambulance got there and hooked her up to a bunch of stuff and checked to see if Amber was ok. I made Donovan call Trey to meet them at the hospital and he rode to the hospital with them everyone else got in the car and went back to Chances with me.

When we got back to Chances we walked in the door to Chance up and moving around and they were all just worried sick about us.

"Great you guys are back.....where's my Mary?"

"Megz she's at the hospital."

"She's ok right."

"We don't know yet she was barely alive when Holley found her."

"You found her?" She said looking around me at Holley.

"Umm yeah."

"Thank you for saving her."

"Actually that was more Stefan, she is the one that checked her pulse and made us call 911."

"But if you wouldn't have found her she couldn't have done that."

"Well ok." I interrupted. "How are you tall one?" I asked Chance.

"Ok I guess. Just everything after the lights went out is still kinda blurry."

"That's probably for the best dude." Jacob said looking at him.

"I want to go to the hospital and be with Mary."

"Look sis I know you do I do to but we can't we got ourselves in this situation. We need to be the ones to get ourselves out of it."

"After all this I'm going to see her."

"Ok I will be the one to take you over but we need to take care of this before it hurts anyone else."

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