Chapter 22: The Hospital

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It had been two weeks since everything had happened. Mary was finally getting realised from the hospital. She had lost a lot of blood but she was fine. We were all there to see Mary before she was realised and Trey took her home.

"So that's all you and Holley had to do was bully it back?"

"Yeah basically, but all of you guys had a huge part in all of this. I love you guys more then you will ever know. I hope all of you realize that."

"Of course we do sis. We did that for all of us to be safe."

"Well I just hope it stays that way."

Mary was about to get realised so Meghan and Chance were going with her and Trey. Jacob was going to see if he could go with them. Amber drove herself she left five minutes ago. I drove Holley here. We were walking down the hallway to the elevator.



"I'm sorry."

"I already told you its ok I know you didn't mean to almost hur...."

"No not for that."

"Then what?"

"The whole thing with Donovan."

"Stefan it.."

"No its not. You were absolutely right. If you want to go on a date with him you are perfectly capable of deciding that on your own. Its just I know what he is after and I know what happens when you date him. I just didn't want you hurt."

"Look I understand that but you have to let me make my own mistakes and learn from them and you have to let me get my own heart broken in order to learn from it. I would do that something for you, but we only learn from our own mistakes. Ok."

"Yeah I know. Just trying to loom after a friend I guess."

"I'm not going to go on a date with him."

"I'm kinda happy about that, but why?"

"I saw the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him."

"Holley I'm a lesb....."

"I know but u can't not see you guys still love each other."

"No we dont."



"Ok whatever think what you want, but deep down you know I'm right."

"Yeah Ik whatever."

We got in my truck and I dropped her off at her house. It had started storming. I had a good feeling until I had got home. For some odd reason I don't feel like we are completely down with that thing called Travis. I don't know if it will be soon but I know we are going to have to deal with it again, but its summer before senior year in 11 days. I'm not to worried about it right now. Even though I think I need to be.

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