Chapter 11: The Warning

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"Its a warning." I say looking up at Meghan and Jacob.

"For what sis?" Jacob asks.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it isn't going to be fun."

"Is he ok?" Meghan asked looking up at me almost crying. You could tell she was trying her best to hold it in.

"Yeah he is like Jacob was he is sleeping he is going to wake up and not remember what just happened. I think once I realized what was going on it knew that wasn't going to work. He should wake up soon and you will be here when he does. I need to figure out what this warning means."

"Wait sis your going alone?"

"Yes you guys need to be here with him I can do it. This thing won't break me I promise. I need to find Mary and Amber we need them."

It was midnight. I can tell this was going to be a long night ahead. I already knew what the warning was and who it was for. Me. It meant that I did this to them and myself. I knew I needed to do this alone to get them back and for nothing to happen to any of my friends. Yeah I could die and yeah I could never see them again, but them being safe meant everything to me. They were the family I wish I had as blood, but they were the family that never had to be blood to act like they were. It was time to save my family and if me dying is what it takes then it will be worth every drop of my blood.

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