Chapter 15: The Home

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"Can I please just know her name?!"

"Donovan I swear to god! Sierra hit him again!"

"Owe! Just I need to know!"

"Give me a legit reason and I will tell you."

"Because I need to know beautiful peoples names."

"Sierra hit him."

"No don't you. Owe! Just come on please!"

"Oh my goodness dude my name is Holley!"


"What he wasn't going to shut up!"

"Now he won't leave you alone till you go on a date with him! Believe me I have been through this before."

"Maybe I want to go on a date with him ever think of that."

"No you don't trust me. We are here let's go."

As we get out of the car I hear Holley and Donovan whispering, but I'm to pissed to give a fuck what they were saying. I don't want her hurt and he will hurt her. He is just a giant asshole and...I'm getting off topic. Where is Mary and Amber they need to be my main focus.

"Ok Donovan lead the way around this place. We need to find Mary and Amber."

"Why are they in here?"

"Just its a long story that I don't feel like going through again, so please just lead the way."

It's already 1:30am we have to find them and get back to the house. I also need to see how Chance is doing when this is all over down here. We walk up to the door. It was cracked.

"That's weird."


"The door is never opened or well unlocked for that matter."

"Careful Donovan."

"Oh I thought I was an asshole."

"No I care about you ok. I don't want you hurt."

"So you do still love me?"

"Not now Donovan. We aren't fighting about this here."

"Ok whatever."

We walked in and the only things on were the emergency lights. It looked a lot like a mental ward and a jail combined. Not some place I would ever want to be. It also smelled really weird like a hospital. It had that old people and medicine smell to it. It didn't look like it was even used anymore. This has to be where they are it just has to be, and this was exactly where we were about two hours ago. We make our way down this long white hallway and I heard someone scream. It sounded like Mary.

"What was that Stefan?" Holley said grabbing a hold of one arm and Sierra grabbed the other.

"I think that was Mary? Donovan where the hell did that come from?"

"It sounded like it came from the kitchen."

"Well let's get over there now."

Donovan lead the way over there and I had started loosing feeling in both of my arms. The one Holley had a grip on more then the other. She was stronger then she gave her self credit for. It wasn't long before we had saw the doors to the kitchen.

"Hey guys."


"I have kinda lost all feeling in my arms."

"Ohh sorry." Both said as they let go of my arms. I held out my hands to both of them and both took the offer.

"So want to wait out here while I go in and check to see if they are in there?"

"No we are all going in."

"Ok let's go."

We walked in to the kitchen and you could hardly see anything. I looked around and I saw Amber. I ran over to her. Her hands were tied above her head and her feet were still on the ground. Her mouth was tapped shut, but she was awake. I ripped the tape off her mouth.


"Oh yeah sorry that probably did hurt, but other then that are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't really remember much to tell you the truth."

"Do you have any idea where Mary is?"


"Umm, Stefan she might not but I do."

"Awesome let me see her is she ok?"

"Umm Stefan don't come over here."

"What why?"

"I think Mary is dead."


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