Chapter 21: The Possible End

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"Stefan I'm freezing." Holley said as she turned on her voice recorder.

"I am too. Are you here Travis? That's what its name was right?"

"Umm yeah I think so."

"Huh are you here Travis? You have attacked my friends and myself, and to be frank I'm sick of it. What did we ever do to you? And if it was Megz because she called you a prick then you must really hate being called names huh?"

"Stefan what are you doing?"

"Just trust me. Huh what are you going to do when someone pushes you back. A bully always backs down when it mets someone stronger then it is. What makes you think you have any right to treat any of us in this house how you have?"

Just as I said that I heard a growl right in between Holley and I.


"Holley look at me. I promise you everything will be ok."

"No that's was fucking awesome."

"Haha. So much for you scaring us huh Travis. Come on you will have to do so much better then that. You can't scare us you wanna know why. We know you are weak we know you won't do anything to us because you are to weak and scared."

"Owe fuck!"


"My back is fuckinc burning!"

"Ok come on stand up let me see."

Holley stood up. I pulled up the back of her shirt I didn't see much but red. Her back was still burning. After a minute I saw the three scratch marks.

"Really wow really? That's it? That's all you can do? I guess that is cus that's all you have done since you arrived now isn't it. Holley isn't doing shit to you bastard its me. Come on what are you to big of a pussy to come after me, or is it you can only do shit to me when you knock me out. Come on you can bully everyone else but me why is that?"

"Stefan careful."

"Come on Travis! You are to weak to mess with me."

"Stefan seriously be careful."

"Holley trust me I'll be fine." At this moment I felt the worst pain of my life go through my body. I dropped my camera. It felt like someone had reach inside my body grabbed my lungs and squeezed them till all of the air was out of them and kept squeezing to keep me from breathing. I fell to my knees. Holley dropped the recorder and ran over to me and tried to ask me what was wrong, but I couldn't answer her. I pointed toward the fan and window for some reason thinking that would help. Before she even touched anything the pressure was gone and I could breath again. I fell to the floor gasping for air. I looked over at her.

"I'm ok. I'll be fine."

"What the fuck just happened?"

"Its like something grabbed my lings and squeezed them so I couldn't breath."

"I fucking told you to be careful."

"Its ok thats what I wanted to happen u will see. Ok?"


"See I can make it through anything and so can't anyone else in this house. That girl you almost killed yeah shes fine. Looks like you did a pretty shitty job here now doesn't it."

We went on and sat back in the closet and nothing happened. A couple of days passed with nothing happening to any of us. Mary was fine, but we still had to go see her.

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