Chapter 17: Back To The Beginning

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"Is everything set up Chance?" I say looking around triple checking our equipment.

"Yeah and everyone is still accounted for."

"Who is ready to begin?"

"All of us." Holley says looking at me with the most serious face I have ever saw from her.

"Let's begin." I say turning on my camera. Chance and I are the ones with cameras. Holley, Megz, and Jacob had voice recorders. Amber had her static electricity thing. We were all ready to get this over with. I went up stairs with Holley. Chance, Jacob, Megz and Amber all stayed down stairs if anything happened someone would yell for the others.

"Ok what room first Holley?" I knew she was right behind me because she had ahold of my shirt making sure I didn't get to far away from her.

"Chances room is where it all started so I think that should be our last room. Let's go to Dana's room."

We made our way to Dana's room and sat on her bed.

"Ok do you want to ask the questions Stefan or would you like me too."

"You can I'd you would like."

"Ok. Why are you here?" We waited a few moments. When you are doing this ghosts speak at different frequencys so they are harder to hear with them human ear, so that's why you have to wait so if they do speack you don't talk over them on the voice recording. I hope I told Megz that. Crap.

"Why do you want to kill my friends?" We wait once again. She asked a few more questions and we reviewed everything and got nothing.

"Should we move on to Alecs room Stefan?"

"Yeah let's do the samething, and see what happens."

"Ok." She said as we got off momma Dana's bed and moved in to Alecs room. We sat on Alecs bed and asked the same exact questions reviewed everything again. We still had nothing. At this point I was wondering if Chance, Megz, Amber, and Jacob had the stupid thing, but we still had the room the haunting started in Chances room. Now this isn't where we played the game no, but this is where Jacob was shut in the closet and where Amber and I found the creepy warning we would later find out meant one of our friends would almost be killed. This room was not some place I wanted to be.

"Are you ready Stefan?" Holley said looking at me like she was worried about my mentally.

"Yes but I think I should be the one to talk, and instead of on the bed let's sit in the closet."

"Are you sure .."

"Yes I think that's the only way this will work."

"Ok let's go."

We walked in and sat in the closet. I had just sat down and I started feeling angry with everyone in that house. I had already regretted what I was about to do, but I knew it had to be done.

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