Chapter 19: The Awaking

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I heard Holley, Megz, Chance, and Jacob telling for me to wake up as I tried to open my eyes. I felt someone hugging me. My guess was it was Holley hugging me. It didn't feel like anyone else's hug. I think Amber is standing there in shock. I slowly open my eyes to see Megz crying on Jacob and Chance rubbing Holleys back. Amber was standing there in shock like I thought. Holley had realized I woke up first and hugged me even tighter and then Megz did the same. I felt drained and a burning on my neck. Like someone had caught my neck on fire. I knew exactly what happened. I had been scratched.

"Sis how are you feeling?" I heard Jacob and I looked at him, but its like I couldn't move my mouth to answer.
"Jen can you talk? Or move for that matter?" I couldn't do anything. I knew exactly what they were saying I was looking at them but nothing wanted to work. I couldn't even shack my head no.

"Ok Jacob help me get her in the bed." I heard Chance demand.

What? Wait I thought I was already on the bed. I saw it. Didn't I? Yeah I did. Why am I still on the floor if I saw me on the bed and all of them over me? Did I just see what I wanted to see? Did I see what's going to happen here very soon? I'm so confused. Its not like I could ask my friends what's found on because my fucking mouth won't operate like it should. Well fuck.

"Jen now look at me so I know your listening." I looked in Chances eyes. "Jacob and I are going to lift you up on to my bed. I promise you will be ok. I won't loose you. When we get you on the bed Holley will be on one side of you and Meghan will be on the other. They won't leave your side."

I felt Chances hands on my shoulders and Jacobs hands on my ankles. I heard a one two three lift, and I was up and then on the bed. Holley laid on one side and Megz laid on the side near the wall. I felt both of them grab my hands. I didn't know how long I had been out or what was going on, but I wasn't angry anymore. I wish I could talk. I would tell all of them how much it means to me and how much I love them.

"Stefan Meghan and I are right here." Holley said as she laid her head on my shoulder. "I promise we won't leave."

I could smile so I did thankfully. Then I heaed the door open. I heard Donovan's voice.

"What happened?"

"We aren't to sure. She just got really mean to Holley. Then Holley yelled for me and when I got up here her eyes looked black. She acted like she was going to kill me or Holley. Then she went to hit Holley and then Holley grabbed her hand. Holley said please don't and that all she was doing was trying to help her. Then Jen just fell. She was out for a good 30-45 minutes. We thought she was dead."

Really that long. It felt like five to me. And I would never hit Holley she means to much to me. Why would I ever do that? I need to get up and I need to tell Holley and Chance I'm sorry. Why can't I do anything?

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