Chapter 1

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"Jesus Christ Jesika." He snapped, grabbing the shirt off me. "Are you fucking stupid?"
I looked down at my feet, shaking my head.
"The other fucking shirt you idiot." He said, pushing past me and grabbing the shirt he apparently wanted.
I watched him put it on and he looked at me.
"Nothing." I said quietly.
"Useless." He snapped, walking away.
I watched his back as he walked away, he always made me feel horrible about myself.
"That was uncalled for." Mia, Zack's fiancé said.
I shrugged at her, I was used to it.
"Come on." She said grabbing my hand. "Let's get something to eat."
We wandered into the room, caterers had set up a table full of food and my stomach rumbled when I saw it.
"Ladies." Brian called, shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth.
I shook my head at him, grabbing a plate.
We sat down and started eating.
"What's Matt's problem?" Mia suddenly asked me.
Before I could answer, he walked in.
"Jesus, are you eating again?" He asked me, looking me up and down.
I looked down at my plate, my appetite lost.
"Your ass is getting huge." He told me, grabbing my plate and walking out.
"Wait, what the fuck?" Mia exclaimed. "What is going on?"
"Oh he just gets touchy before a show." I told her quickly.
That was a lie, lately he was always touchy, always yelling at me.
I felt tears well in my eye's and I quickly wiped them away before anybody else saw them.
Matt and I had been together since we were twenty. 12 years. I loved him and I always stood by him, even as everyone of our friends got married and we didn't, even when his moods changed, I stood by him, but now his mood never changed, he was just always angry at me and I wasn't sure why, well maybe I was sure.
He didn't love me anymore. It was plain to see, obvious to everyone, I guess he just didn't know how to say it.
I stood up, that thought hurting my heart. I still loved him, but the way things were going, I wouldn't for long.
"Your ass is not fat." Mia called after me as I walked out.
I found the bathroom and locked myself in a stall, doing what I'd been doing alot of lately. I sat down and cried and cried.
"Jess." Someone called.
I quickly wiped my face, opening the door.
"They're ready to go on." Ava, Johnnys wife told me.
I nodded and followed her out to the side of the stage. Everyone was standing there.
"Wish me luck." Matt demanded, walking over to me.
"Good luck." I told him softly.
"Thanks." He said smiling, and just for a moment I saw the old Matt, the Matt I fell in love with.
He quickly kissed my cheek heading out on the stage.
I just didn't know what I was going to do anymore.

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