Chapter 10

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Matt's POV

I'd already had three horrible days in my life, three days that I'd hated, three days that I'd wished never happened and today was turning out to be day number 4.
The first day was the day Jimmy, my best friend had died, it was devastating and something I'd never get over, ever. I struggled to go on without him, we'd all struggled, but we were getting there.
The second day was when I was standing in my bedroom and she'd told me she wasn't coming to Europe, she always came with me, how did she expect me to do this without her? I didn't understand where her decision had come from, she was always with me, she always went where I went, how was I supposed to go without her?
The third day, I hated that day, was the day she'd told me in, a flat voice, that she'd moved out. She'd packed up her stuff and she'd left, oh but I didn't have to worry, she hadn't taken anything of mine, well except for my heart. I was in Europe and my girlfriend had packed and moved out of our house, no warning, nothing.
I sighed, watching her walk away with that guy, Adam or whatever his name was, her new boyfriend. I couldn't believe she was with someone else's already, apparently Jesika had fallen out of love with me but I didn't know.
"Matt." Brooke said.
I looked at her, she was a girl I'd known for awhile, she really wasn't my type and I'd only bought her because Mia had called to tell me that Jesika was bringing a date.
"Matt, you have to go." Brooke told me.
I looked around, I did have to go and as I walked to the car I saw Jess again, I wanted to yell at her, ask her why, but I didn't, I just got in the car like I was supposed to.
I thought about her constantly, I always had, she was my life and I'd been so stressed, so pressured lately that I took it out on her, I thought she understood that, I thought she knew. I'd spoken to the other's about it, I'd told them I needed a break, six to twelve months off, six to twelve months to focus on Jess, I'd wanted to make it up to her, I'd wanted that time to put her first, make her my number one, but now, I'd lost her.
I knew I'd been acting bad lately but I didn't realize until now, until Jess mentioned her ass being fat, how bad the things I said to her were. I didn't mean her ass was fat, her ass wasn't fat, if anything she'd lost weight, too much weight. When I'd mentioned the dress, I meant it was to revealing, I didn't like the idea of other people looking at her body, not that it mattered now, she wasn't mine to worry.
I had my life mapped out, I knew exactly what I was going to do, when I was going to do, and who I wanted to do it with and that person was Jesika. How was I supposed to get over this, move on, for twelve years she was all I knew and I was lost without her.
I wanted to talk to her, I needed to talk to her, I wanted the opportunity to explain myself and ask her why, but I couldn't, well one, because she wouldn't return my calls, and two, I was scared of what she'd tell me, I was scared she'd say she didn't love me anymore.
Judging by the way she'd looked at me, I didn't think she did anyway.
So, you tell me, what are you supposed to do when the person you love, the person you adore walks away, because honestly, I have no idea what to do anymore, all I knew was that I missed her terribly and I needed her in my life.
She was my life.

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