Chapter 17

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I didn't want to go backstage, but I let Scott guide me there anyway. I should have stood my ground, but as usual I was a pushover.
Gladly, the first person I saw was Mia.
"Jess." She said hugging me. "What were you doing out the front?"
"Adam wanted to see the show, he bought tickets and dragged me along." I explained, not going into Adams theory of why we were at the show.
"Well I'm glad you're here, it feels better."
I shrugged, not really knowing how it could feel better, because it sure didn't feel better to me.
"Jess." Someone called.
I looked over, Matt was standing in a doorway. Why the hell was he calling out to me?
"Come here."
He wanted to me to go to him. Should I? I hesitated for a moment but my feet betrayed me and walked over to him.
"This shirt?" He asked me, pointing to the one he had on.
He looked tired and he looked stressed and he definitely had on the wrong shirt.
I pushed past him, walking over to his shirts, grabbing the best one, the one I knew would be right for tonight.
"This one." I told him, handing it to him.
"No problem." I said quickly, walking back out the door and closing it behind me.
I walked towards the others, Adam had his eyebrows raised, Mia was smiling and that Brooke had appeared, glaring at me.
I glared back, walking over to Adam and Mia.
"He can't make decisions without you." Mia blurted.
I looked at her. "I'm pretty sure he manages."
"I could have done that." Brooke said loudly.
"It's a ritual." Mia told her. "Jess always picks his shirt and just before he goes on stage she HAS to wish him luck."
"It used to be a ritual." I told them. "Not anymore, he can start a ritual with you." I told Brooke.
She smiled at me, I just wanted to smash her face in, the boyfriend stealing slut.
I turned my back on her, I wasn't going to stand here talking with the girl Matt chose over me.
"Let's do this." Brian called out.
I smiled to myself, I'd miss this backstage excitement.
Zack walked over to the room Matt was in and the door opened and he walked out.
They started their usual cheering eachother on and it always made me smile.
I watched Brooke walk up to Matt and grab his arm, saying something quietly. If he kissed her, I swear I would puke.
They turned towards the stage and I felt myself get nervous, like I always did.
Suddenly Matt turned towards me, walking over.
"Wish me luck." He said.
I looked at him and I couldn't help but smile. "Good luck."
"Thanks." He smiled, leaning down, and as usual, kissing my cheek.
I stood there a little shocked and watched then go out on stage. As usual it was a kick ass show and judging by the noise, the crowd loved them.
Towards the end I made my way over to Adam, who was staring at the stage like it was the best thing he'd ever seen.
"Can we go as soon as it's finished?" I asked, yelling in his ear.
He looked at me and nodded, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. Finally I think he understood how uncomfortable all of this made me feel.
Finally they were saying their goodnights and farewells, explaining their break.
"You wanna?" Adam asked, indicating to the door.
I nodded and he pulled me along. We opened the door, stepping outside and the cool air hit us.
"Jesus Jess." Adam said as we walked. "You never told me how good they were."
I shrugged, I thought everyone knew how good they were.
"Oh, and just in case you missed it." He said putting his arm around me and pulling me in for a hug. "I'm pretty sure Matt is not over you."
"He is." I snapped.
"I don't know what happened Jess, but Matt looks pretty sad to me."
Sad my ass, I thought getting in the car and doing up my seat belt, the only thing Matt was sad about was the fact that I'd actually had the balls to leave him.
Matt didn't miss me, the only thing he missed was someone to dump all of his shit on, oh well, that was Brookes job now.

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