Chapter 11

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"You have got to be kidding me." I hissed to Adam, watching Brooke approach our table and sit next to Adam.
She smiled at me and sat down.
"What the fuck?" Adam whispered.
Why the hell would Mia think it was okay to sit her near me?
"How are you?" She asked.
Fucking fabulous you boyfriend stealing bitch.
What else could I say? This wedding was a disaster and all I wanted to do was run away.
We sat there in silence for awhile until Adam opened his big mouth.
"So, how long have you known Matt?" He asked her.
"Oh awhile." She said smiling. "I met him after a show."
Of course she did.
"Oh really." I interrupted. "How long ago was this?"
"Hmmm." She said thinking.
Adam put his arm around my shoulder, sensing what I was getting at.
"I guess it's been about a year."
A year! He'd been cheating on me for a year.
I quickly looked away so nobody would see my hurt, which I'm sure was all over my face.
"Drink?" A waiter asked, interrupting us.
"Please." I needed the whole bottle.
He filled our glasses and I took a big drink.
"They just came back from Europe didn't they?" Adam asked her, obviously drilling her for information.
"Yeah they did, I wish I went with them" She said wistfully.
"I'm sure you'll go next time." I said sarcastically, taking another drink.
"Oh who knows when that will be." She told us.
"What do you mean?" Adam asked.
"They're doing one more show next weekend, then going on hiatus, taking a break for six to twelve months."
Now he was taking a break?
"I think they want to concentrate on their personal lives." She said, smiling shyly.
Obviously she was what Matt would be concentrating on.
For years I'd wished I was his priority, but I never asked him to put me first, I would never do that, the band was his life, but this girl, this bitch who'd known him for ten minutes gets his undivided attention just like that.
"Well fuck." Adam mouthed at me.
I shook my head, not daring to open my mouth, I was so close to crying again.
Suddenly there was a commotion at the door, the wedding party had arrived and we all stood up to watch them enter.
Matt entered, with Mia's sister on his arm. I looked at him, actually I glared at him. How could he do this? And right at this moment I hated him, I hated him more than anything. I wished I could just forget twelve years so easily.
Matt looked over at us and his eyes bulged, seeing Brooke with us. I guess he was concerned that she was spilling all of his secrets, which she certainly was.
I watched him sit down and it took every ounce of my will power not to go over and slap him, not to go over and yell and scream at him, I'd given him everything and this was how he repayed me, by rubbing this is in my face, by giving this girl everything I'd ever wanted.
"Are you okay?" Adam whispered.
"No." I whispered back. "I don't think I'll ever be okay."

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