Chapter 4

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"Hey." Someone yelled. "What are you doing here?"
I looked down the corridor to see my co-worker, my favorite co-worker, walking towards me.
He hugged me. "I thought you were in Europe."
"Change of plans." I told him.
"Sooo, why the hell are you here?"
I looked at him, deciding what I should say or not. "I want full time."
"Wait, you what?" Adam asked, looking shocked.
"I want full time hours, I've come in to see Margie about it."
"Fuck, you'll get full time hours, we're run off our feet, anyway gotta go, incoming MVA. I'll call you tonight." He called running down the corridor.
I couldn't help but smile, Adam was every girls dream guy, he was good looking, had a great body and much to most girls disappointment, he was gay.
Matt never showed much interest in my work friends, and now I was glad, glad that I had a group of friends I could turn to.
I made my way to Margies office and knocked lightly before walking in.
"Jess, what are you doing here?"
"I decided not to go to Europe."
"And please tell me you want hours."
"I want as many as I can get." I told her.
She looked at me. "Are you okay?"
I shrugged. No I wasn't okay.
"Well lucky for you I have so many shifts to fill it's not funny, so sit down and I'll type up a roster for you."
I sat down while she russled through papers and tapped away on her keyboard.
"Are you sure you're okay Jess?" She asked again.
"I will be." I said quietly.
She didn't reply, she knew not to push me. I was the type of person who would talk when I was ready, and right now I really wasn't ready.
"Here you go." She said, handing me paper. "Your first shift is tomorrow."
I glanced at it, she had me working everyday. "Thankyou so much." I wanted to keep busy.
I headed out and looked around at the hustle and bustle of the emergency room, I couldn't wait to be back, I was looking forward to doing something I wanted too for once.
"See ya tomorrow." I called to Adam as I left.
"Yes." He grinned.
Over the last few years I'd cut my work right back to one or two days a month and now I was back.
I left the hospital smiling, I hadn't smiled for a awhile and it felt nice. I got in my car and headed to my next appointment.
"This is perfect." I said after looking around.
"Do you want to do the paperwork now?"
I nodded and sat down and began the task of filing out the paperwork for my own place. It was only a one bedroom apartment, but to me it was perfect.
I dropped into the grocery store on the way home, no, on the way to Matt's place and picked up some stuff for dinner, even though I had no appetite.
I didn't end up eating, I ended up sitting on the couch waiting, all it would take were three words from Matt and everything I did today wouldn't matter. I waited for that call, and I waited. Even a call to say he'd arrived safely would have been nice.
Of course he didn't call and it was kind of stupid of me to think he would, wasn't it?

Almost Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن