Chapter 16

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Matt's POV

I stood there, just looking. I didn't know what shirt to wear, I had no fucking idea.
"You okay?" Brian asked, walking over.
I looked at him, shaking my head. "I need a shirt, I dunno which one."
"Just pick a fucking shirt."
It wasn't that simple.
"I'm not feeling it Brian." I told him.
"What are you talking about?" He was looking at me like I was stupid.
"This show, I just don't feel like it."
"I get that, but this is it, do this show then we get time off. You can do what needs to be done, you can take the time you need."
"I know."
"Good." He said reaching over and grabbing a shirt. "Here, wear this."
I grabbed it, it still didn't feel right.
"Oh and Brooke is out there, asking about you."
"Why is she here?" I asked him, she seemed to think we had a thing.
"I think Ava invited her, they're friends or something."
He just shrugged.
I turned around to see Mia walking into the room. "Jess is here."
"I just spoke to Scott, he said she's out front."
"Why is she out the front?"
"Well I don't know." She said, rolling her eyes.
"Well get her to come back here." I needed her back here.
"I already told Scott to bring them."
"Them?" I asked.
Great, she was with him. Ugh, I didn't care, as long as she was here, I felt better with her here.
"Okay." I told her. "I need to warm up."
She nodded, turning to the door. "It will be okay Matt."
Would it? I didn't know anymore.
They both left me by myself so I could warm up but now my mind was working overtime, thinking about her.
I walked to the door, opening it and sticking my head out. I just needed to see her, and there she was. She was standing there talking to Mia. I just looked at her, she looked perfect, but then again, she always did.
Just the sight of her calmed me and I closed the door quietly and started my warm up.
No, I needed her. I opened the door again.
"Jess." I called.
She looked over at me, looking shocked.
"Come here." I asked her.
She hesitated a moment, but then walked over.
"This shirt?" I asked her, indicating to the one I had on.
She pushed past me, walking over and grabbing another.
"This one." She said softly.
She was right, this was the perfect shirt.
"No problem." She said, walking back out and closing the door.
Now I could go on feeling confident, feeling right and I went back to my warm up.
Ten minutes later Zack stuck his head in. "Almost time, you ready?"
I nodded. "Let's do this."
I followed Zack out, everyone was together, waiting. I looked at Jess, she looked at me then looked away quickly.
"Good luck." Brooke said, grabbing my arm.
"Thanks." I said to her.
She stood there looking at me. I wasn't sure what she wanted.
"Let's do this." Brian said.
We all looked at eachother nodding, turning towards the stage.
I glanced at Jess again, I couldn't do it, I just couldn't go on without talking to her, I had a routine and it felt wrong if I didn't do it.
I walked over to her and she looked at me.
"Wish me luck." I told her.
She looked surprised, but then she smiled and my heart skipped a beat.
"Good luck." She said softly.
I smiled at her. "Thanks." Then I leant over and did what I always did, I kissed her cheek.
And I felt better, I felt fine, now I could do this show.
We walked on to the stage and at the moment I felt like everything would be okay.
I was going to sort this out with Jesika and everything would be fine.

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