Chapter 23

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"I love you." He whispered in my ear.
He loved me? Did he?
I pressed my face into his chest and cried. I cried all the tears that I'd been holding in for so long.
"Jess, I'm sorry."
He kept saying that over and over, but was he really?
"You're only sorry because you lost me." I sobbed, stepping away from him.
"That's not true." He told me. "It's not."
"It is Matt. You're only here apologising because I left you, what would it be like if I'd stayed?"
"Jess please." He said reaching out and pulling me back to his chest. "I'm sorry, I've never been so sorry in my life."
"You hurt me. I did nothing but love you and you hurt me."
"God, do you think I don't know that?" He murmured, tightening his arms. "I never meant it, not a word, I loved you, I still love you, I've never stopped Jess."
"I thought you did."
"I know."
"You made me feel like shit."
He groaned. "I know."
I looked up at him. "Why?" I wanted to know.
He looked down at me and stroked my cheek. "I was tired, I was burning out and I was scared."
"So you blamed me?" I whispered.
"I never blamed you Jess, ever."
He brushed his lips across mine and I closed my eye's, he still gave me butterflies when he kissed me.
"I felt so stupid."
I wiped my face, but still there were tears.
"I know and I don't know how to make it right." He told me. "You're the reason why I wanted this time off, I wanted to give myself to you, completely."
I closed my eye's again and leant on his chest.
"You've put up with so much over the years Jess, I wanted you to be my number one, I wanted you to know you're my first priority."
"You never told me this, I didn't know."
He brushed his lips across mine again.
"I decided in Europe."
"When you told me you weren't coming, I honestly didn't know what to do, I was lost and it was on the flight over that I realised I needed a break."
"And I left."
"You left." He said quietly. "I really regret that day in the bedroom, when you said you weren't coming, I acted like I didn't care but I was dying inside."
I buried my face in his chest and cried. He never told me.
"Please let me make it right." He whispered.
"But are you sure?"
"Am I sure what?" He asked, pulling me away from him so he could look at me.
"Oh." I said crying all over again. "I ruined your shirt."
His shirt was wet and had makeup smears on it.
"I don't give a shit about my shirt Jesika." He said, smiling. "Am I sure about what?"
"Are you sure it's me you want?" I asked.
"Oh fuck." He said, once again pulling me in close. "I'm so sure baby, I've never been surer. I'm dying without you, just getting up in the morning is hard without you."
"I know." I whispered.
"I want you with me, every minute of every day." He murmured, taking my face in his hands. "I love you, so much."
He leant down and kissed me softly, I closed my eye's, I'd missed this so much, I'd missed him so much.
"So." He murmured. "Can you please give me a second chance Jess?"
I opened my eye's and looked at him.
How could I not. I loved him with all my heart.
"Yes." I whispered.
He smiled and kissed me softly.

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