Chapter 18

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Matt's POV

I was disappointed to see that Jess had left by the time we came off stage, we were going out for drinks and I'd worked up the courage to ask her to come, but she'd left.
We went to a bar and Mia zoomed straight in on me.
"You okay?" She asked sitting next to me.
I shrugged. "I guess I will be."
"Are you going to do something Matt?"
"About what?"
She rolled her eyes at me.
"I was thinking I might go over and see her in a couple of days."
"That's a good idea." She said softly.
I nodded, I would use the box of her stuff as an excuse. "I just need her to listen to me."
"She needs you Matt." She said softly. "As much as you need her."
God I hoped that was true.
"So." Brooke said, suddenly appearing and sitting across from me. "What are you going to do with your spare time?"
I shrugged. "Sort my life out."
"Oh come on." She said smiling. "Your life is perfect."
Mia stood up. "Excuse me." She said raising her eyebrows at me.
"I have some things I need to fix." I told her.
"Do you think you'll have time to go out with me for dinner next week?" She asked me, smiling.
Argh shit.
"Look Brooke, the thing I need to sort out is my relationship with Jesika, I messed it up and I lost her but I'm working on getting her back." I told her.
"Oh, I see."
"I'm sorry if you thought otherwise Brooke, but Jess deserves all of my attention right now."
"Oh well." She said standing up. "Call me if it doesn't work out."
I watched her walk away, I wouldn't be calling her, I just wasn't interested, the only woman I'd ever be interested in was Jess.
"Matt." Ava snapped, walking over and sitting down. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Sorry?" I wasn't sure what she meant.
"Brooke just left upset." She snapped. "You told her you weren't interested?"
"Well I'm not."
"Look Matt, get over Jess, move on." She told me. "The relationship ran it's course. Take Brooke out, you might actually like her."
I put my drink down and stood up. "Ava, Jess has done nothing but be nice to you and you act like you're glad we're done. Well I'm here to tell you we're not, we may be having some problems but we're far from over and I'd appreciate your support, if not stay away from us."
I walked away. Getting Jess back was going to be hard work, I at least expected our friends to support us.
"You okay?" Zack asked me as I walked past him.
"No. My life is falling apart but apparently I should just get over it."
"Matt, it's not falling apart and I don't think you should get over it. I really hope you sort this out."
"Tell Ava and her little friend that." I told him. "I'm going home."
"Don't." He said.
"Yeah, I'm not in the mood anyway."
I wasn't in the mood for any of them.
All I wanted to do was go home, what I really wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed with Jesika.
I just wanted to hold her all night and tell her how much I really loved her.

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