Chapter 25

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"What time are they coming?" I asked Matt.
He was busily making a salad and I smiled, it was how it used to be.
"Uh." He said glancing at the clock. "Any minute."
I nodded. I was glad Zack and Mia were coming over.
"Shit." Matt said suddenly, walking over and washing his hands.
"They'll be here in a minute." He told me.
"And." He said walking over and pulling me to him. "And I won't be able to do this when they're here."
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me and just for a moment I wished that Zack and Mia weren't coming over at all.
"I missed you baby." He murmured against my lips but before I could reply the buzzer went. "I'll get it." He whispered.
I smiled as he went to buzz them in. I felt happy and it felt so good.
I walked out to the living room just as Matt was opening the door to let them in.
I smiled as they entered. "Hi." I said, hugging them.
"This place is pretty nice." Zack said.
"I know right." Matt said to him. "Beer?"
Zack nodded and followed him into the kitchen.
"Drink?" I asked Mia.
"Wine." She suggested.
"Of course." I said following the guys into the kitchen.
Zack was sitting at the bench and Matt was getting the beers and a bottle of wine. He opened it and gave it to me smiling. I grabbed two glasses and headed back into the living room.
"So." Mia said as I handed her a glass. "You look better Jess."
"I feel better."
"Matt looks better." She told me. "He was miserable."
"He was?" I asked.
"God yes Jess. He was miserable in Europe, we were all on eggshells, expecting him to cancel the tour at any time."
"I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't, because the dickhead never told you."
I nodded, all of this would have been avoided if Matt had only just said he wanted me to go to Europe. "I wish he had."
"I know." She said softly. "But he's stubborn, you of all people should know that."
"I do." I said smiling. He was very stubborn.
"But everything is fine now isn't it?"
"Yeah, it really is. You know." I said, even I could hear the emotion in my voice. "I thought he didn't love me anymore."
"Silly Jess." Mia said hugging me. "He never stopped."
"I know that now."
"And I'm so glad."
"Hungry?" Matt asked walking in.
We pulled away, nodding.
Dinner was lovely and it was nice to spend time with Mia and Zack, I'd guessed I'd missed them too.
We walked them out at the end of evening and as we walked back inside Matt slipped his arm around my shoulder.
"That was nice." He said, kissing the side of my head.
"It was." I said, heading into the kitchen to clean up.
"I can do that." Matt told me, walking in.
I smiled at him. "You've done enough."
"Not really." He murmured, pulling me into his arms.
"You have."
"I just want to make it up to you." He whispered, brushing his lips over mine.
"You don't have to Matt, honestly." I told him, wrapping one arm around his neck and stroking his face with my other hand. "I'm just glad you're here, with me."
"I don't want to be anywhere else Jess." He told me seriously.
"Good." I murmured, kissing him.
He returned my kiss and I closed my eye's, enjoying it.
"Maybe." Matt murmured against my lips. "We can clean up in the morning? "
"Oh why?"
He didn't answer me, he just kissed me again, then scooped me up in his arms, heading for the bedroom.
"I missed you Jess." He told me, smirking. "All of you."
Oh yeah, I completely understood him.

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