Chapter 6

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"Is this the last box?" Adam asked me.
I nodded, it was.
""Cool, well I'll meet you back at your house."
"I just want to have another quick look around." I told him.
He nodded. "I still think you should take more, I mean half is yours Jesika."
"I know, but I don't want to make waves." I told him. I didn't want to give Matt an excuse to yell at me anymore.
"Okay, well I'll see you soon."
I watched him leave then I headed back inside for the last time. 6 years we'd lived in this house. 6 years.
I headed upstairs to the bedroom and looked around. It seemed a little emptier. I looked in the bathroom, it seemed emptier, with just his stuff and I closed my eye's, we were happy here once.
I walked over to the closet and opened it. Only his clothes were in here now and I couldn't help myself, I buried my face in one of his shirts, breathing deeply. His smell was so familiar and the tears started. I turned to the bed, thinking, wondering what went wrong. I walked over to his bedside drawers, I rarely looked in them, but now I did, maybe there was an answer in here. I dug around, there was loose change, a watch, receipts and a photo. It was a photo of me, the photo of me he used to have in his wallet. Not anymore, somewhere along the way he'd taken it out and put it in this drawer, maybe so other girls didn't see it.
That thought physically hurt me and I put my head on my knees, sobbing loudly.
I stood up, taking the photo with me and headed downstairs. I'd taken no furniture, I'd bought new stuff for my apartment. I'd only taken one photo of me and Matt, leaving the rest, he could get rid of them.
I went to lock the back door, looking at the pool. I smiled thinking about how I used to sunbake on the lounge and he would always come over, squeezing himself onto the sun lounge with me.
"Enough." I said aloud, closing the door.
I walked to the front door, looking back before I closed it for the last time.
I still hadn't heard from Matt. Mia had called, but I told her nothing, I just told her I didn't go to Europe because I was tired, I didn't like lying to her, but what else could I say. Matt's mom had called me, concerned that I hadn't gone to Europe, asking me hopefully if I was pregnant, ha, I didn't tell her it was the complete opposite, but Matt hadn't called, I knew he wouldn't.
I closed the door, walking to my car. For the first time in 12 years I was going to be by myself, without Matt.
I was going to miss him, alot, he was all I'd known for so long and as much as I hated myself for it, I still loved him, with all of my heart.
I drove away, with tears streaming down my face. It was time for me start a new life.
A life without Matt.

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