Chapter 3

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I folded a pair of jeans and put them in his suitcase, looking at his shirts and wondering what ones to pack.
Matt walked into the bedroom, grabbing a shirt.
"Everyone's going out tonight." He stated.
I just nodded, folding the shirt and putting it in the suitcase.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Packing your bag."
"Ugh you've packed the wrong shoes." He grumbled, grabbing them out.
Of course I packed the wrong shoes.
"I'll do it." He snapped.
I shrugged and stepped away.
"Are you coming out tonight?"
"No, I don't think so." I said softly.
"Suit yourself." He said. "You should probably pack."
"Yeah, I'm going to give Europe a miss."
He glanced at me. "Thanks for the notice."
He continued putting stuff in his suitcase.
I turned and walked out of the bedroom, down to the second bathroom. I didn't want to use our bathroom, he was obviously going out and I'd only get yelled at for being in his way.
I closed and locked the door and walked over to the basin.
I looked in the mirror, telling myself I was not going to cry, but I started anyway.
There was no 'why aren't you coming'. There was no 'I want you to come', just a snappy reply, which I'd honestly expected anyway.
We'd been home for a week and things were so horrible that I just couldn't bring myself to go to Europe for 3 weeks. I needed time away from him, I really did.
"I'm going." He yelled down the hall, not waiting for a reply.
"Bye." I whispered, wiping my face.
I ended up spending the night thinking and wandering around our house, looking at things. There were photos of us and I found myself looking at them, trying to remember what it was like to be that happy. We were happy once and Matt did love me at one time, but not now, not anymore.
I ended up going to bed early, I missed dinner because I had no appetite and did it matter anyway, apparently my ass was getting big.
Matt came home around midnight, early for him, but their flight was early in the morning, that was the only reason.
I slept fitfully, waking up when Matt's alarm went off.
I listened to him getting ready, showering, dressing, and with every move he made my heart broke a little.
I heard him drag his bags downstairs and I closed my eye's waiting for him to leave.
I heard him come back upstairs and walk into the room. I layed there, I wasn't sure what he was doing and I opened my eye's.
He was standing next to the bed, looking down at me.
"I'm going." He stated.
"Good luck and have fun." I said softly.
"Yeah, okay, thanks."
And that was it. He walked out if the room and I listened to him get into the taxi and I heard them leave.
There was no 'I'll miss you', no 'I love you' and no kiss.
There just wasn't anything anymore.

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