Chapter 2

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"Jesika for god sake hurry up."
We were in our hotel room. Tonight had been the last show of their US tour, so of course there was a party, a party Matt was apparently very eager to get to.
"Seriously." He snapped, opening the bathroom door. "What the fuck are you doing?"
I was trying to do my makeup but I was having trouble with Matt continually yelling at me through the door.
"Just go. I'll be down soon." I told him.
"Good." He said shutting the door.
I listened to him leave, it was nice of him to wait for me, but at least now I could get ready in peace.
I finished getting ready and looked at myself in the mirror one last time, I'm sure there'd be something wrong with what I was wearing and I was sure I'd hear about it.
I grabbed my bag, shoving the room key in it and headed downstairs.
I walked into the room, it was full of people, most of whom I didn't know.
"Jess." Mia called, waving at me.
I walked over to her, glancing around, Brian spotted me and waved but I had no idea where Matt was.
"Drink?" Zack asked me.
I nodded, smiling. This was something my boyfriend should be asking but he was nowhere to be seen.
I stood there looking around until I finally spotted him. Of course he was with girls, scantily clad girls of course, well band whores to be precise. He was leaning against the wall, they were staring up at him and he was clearly flirting.
Maybe he sensed my stare but he looked over at me. He didn't come over to me, he didn't see if I needed anything, he just raised his eyebrows at me with a 'what are you looking at' look on his face.
I looked away, I just couldn't be bothered with him right now.
"Who are half these people?" Ava asked me, walking over.
"I have no idea." I said, shaking my head.
"Sluts." Mia said, joining us.
I didn't say anything, apparently Matt didn't have a problem with them, there he was openly flirting with them and I found myself wondering again if he'd ever cheated on me.
That thought made my chest tighten, but if I had to be honest with myself I'd say yes he had.
"Jess are you okay?" Mia asked, looking concerned.
At least someone cared.
"Yeah, I'm just not feeling it tonight." I told her. "I might just go to bed."
"Jess." She said softly.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I said walking off, I didn't want to deal with her sympathy right now.
I walked towards Matt, to tell him I was leaving. Why was I bothering, I didn't know because I knew he wouldn't care if I was there or not.
"Matt." I said loudly.
He looked at me. "Jesus Jess, what are you wearing?"
"A dress." I said, flatly.
"Is that what you call it." He laughed and the band whores laughed along with him.
"Well I'm leaving anyway, so sorry to embarrass you."
I turned and walked away, but not before I heard him say good. Good. Who says that to their girlfriend.
I went up to the room, getting ready for bed and I layed there crying, just like I did every night, just like I'd been doing for too long.
I don't think I can do it anymore, I thought to myself, I really don't.
I heard Matt stumble in sometime before the sun came up. He collapsed into bed, snoring.
At this moment, I just hated him.

Almost Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt