Saving You;Chapter 3

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Jane layed on her bed with her hands behind her head looking up at the ceiling. She had finished all her home work and had nothing to do until her dad walked in.

"Jane!" He yelled. Jane instantly jumped up off her bed and stood up as he bursted through the door.

"Dad?" Jane said in shock.

"Everything is your fault! If you wasn't gay maybe our lives wouldn't be so fucked up! You were a mistake!" Her dad yelled in her face.

Jane stood there for a moment looking at her dad trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

"Well im sorry if im gay! I didn't choose this! Don't blame it on me cause you can keep your wife!" With that her dad raised his hand and slapped her round the face then left the room slamming the door behind him.

Jane let out a single tear and whipped it away then layed back on her bed picking up the piece of paper on the side. She saw the number then picked up her phone and sent a text.

- Maura its Jane. I could use that talk now?-

Within 5 minuets Jane's phone started vibrating. It was Maura's caller ID.

"Hello?" Jane answered quietly.

"Costa coffee shop on the corner of Lance Street?" Maura replied.

"Yeah ill be there in 10" Jane said.

"Okay...Bye.." Maura said.

"Bye..." Jane said then hung up and slightly smiled to herself.

Jane grabbed her keys and her cell then snuck out of the house and reversed her truck off the drive and headed for the cafe.


When Jane pulled up she saw Maura sitting inside with a coffee.

Jane walked in and smiled slightly then sat down opposite Maura.

"Hey" Jane said as she saw Maura smile.

"Everything...ok..Oh my Jane! Where did you get that bruise?" Maura asked concerned lifting a hand to Jane's face.

"Oh its nothing" Jane replied.

"I got you a coffee" Maura said as she pushed the coffee cup to her hands.

Jane picked it up and took a sip.

"Thanks" She said.

"Whats wrong Jane?" Maura said with concerned eyes as she placed her hand on Jane's.

Jane looked at her coffee then back at Maura.

"M..My dad hit.. me" Jane struggled to say.

"He hit you?" Maura said in shock.

"Its nothing..Dont sweat" Jane let out a fake laugh.

"Jane this isn't nothing..You need some space. You can stay with me for a while until your ready to go home." Maura said as she squeezed Jane's hand.

"I dont want to intrude on you Maura. Ill be ok" Jane replied.

"Jane. You coming home with me.."Maura said.


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