Saving You; Chapter 4

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Maura took Jane home and showed her around the house and which room she could stay in. Jane's room was twice the size of the one at her house. Maura's whole house was amazing.

"Your house is amazing Maura" Jane said as she sat on the sofa.

"Well i do try..Do you want a drink or something to eat?"Maura asked as she stood in front of Jane.

"Uh no thanks.." Jane said.

"Okay well here you go. Here's a key so you can come in and relax when im out or you have free periods. For god sake just don't have NO parties!" Maura demanded.

"Don't have enough friends for that" Jane laughed.

"Im sure you do.." Maura said.

"right im going to go get my things..Ill be back in an hour tops" Jane said as she stood up and put the key in her Jean pocket and pulled her car keys from her jacket pocket.


When Jane arrived home her mom and dads cars were there. She knew something bad was about to happen. Jane pushed open the door and ignored her mom and dad and walled straight to her room. She grabbed her black gym bag and started folding tops, Jean's, Underwear and shoes.

"What do you think your doing?" Her dad asked as he walked in her room.

"Leaving for a while thats what" Jane said as she carried on putting clothes and accessories in the bag.

"I don't think so." Her dad said as he grabbed her arm. Jane jerked away and picked up her bag and her ruck sack and walked out of the room.

"JANE CLEMENTINE RIZZOLI! Stop!" Her dad shouted as she walked down the stairs and opened the front door. Frank her dad followed her out to her truck where Jane slung her bags in her truck and stood there to look back at Frank.

"What do you want dad?! Im leaving until you are gone! Im not going to let you throw me around anymore!" Jane shouted then got in her truck and drove off back to Maura's.

She unpacked her things then layed in the bed Maura gave her and fell asleep whilst Maura was making dinner.

"Jane.." Maura said as she opened the door. She put the plate of food on the side and walked over to a sleeping Jane and smiled down at her.


Jane woke up to the sound of Maura in the kitchen making coffee. She stumbled out of bed to greet Maura in the kitchen.

"Morning..I made you coffee and cereal..." Maura smiled as she looked at the coffee and bowl of cereal on the table.

"Thanks" Jane smiled. After eating her cereal Jane took her coffee back in her room where she got dressed.

30 minuets later Jane came walking out with her ruck sack on and keys.

"Uh I'm going to head off...You want to ride with me?" Jane asked Maura who was looking as beautiful as ever.

"Uh I have a meeting after school today..I dont want to make you wait" Maura replied as she picked up her handbag and her keys.

"Oh..Okay well ill catch you later." Jane smiled then walked out the door.


"Hey look its the lesbo!" A girl laughed down the corridor. Jane kept walking.

"Oi bitch!" The girl called. Jane stopped and turned around to face the girl.

The girl looked at her then nodded her head and two other girl's grabbed Jane and threw her again the lockers and held her there whilst the other girl swung a hard punch into her stomach.

Jane grunted as she kept hitting her then flipped out and head butted on of the girl's holding her causing her to fall to the floor then turned and punched the other girl round the face and smashed her head into the locker.

The last girl left swung for Jane and caught her off mark and hit her in the temple. Jane swung round and hit her head on the locker and split her eyebrow open causing blood to come gushing out of the cut. Jane turned and swung for the girl when Maura's hand grabbed Jane's and pushed it back.

"Alright clear off you lot!" Maura yelled to the kids standing around. Then looked at Jane.

"Get your bag..Come on" Maura said as she put her arm around Jane and took her into the lab.

Maura sat Jane down and got her first aid kit from her cupboard. Maura sat in front of Jane and crossed her legs and started to clean the wound above Jane's eye.

"Why did you hit her Jane?" Maura asked cleaning the wounds.

"She was saying things. I'm not going to stand there and ignore them anymore!" Jane moaned.

Maura carried on cleaning the wound then stitched it.

"I know things are hard Jane, But they will get better..You have what a matter of months left at college before you move onto the big world. There will always be someone who don't approve of who you are Jane. But those are the people are the one's you don't have to worry about" Maura smiled as she got the scissors and cut off some string that was left over from the stitching.

"Thanks" Jane sighed as Maura put down the scissors.

"Its okay. Go on i dont want you to be late for your next lesson." Maura said as she stood up. Jane stood up aswell and picked up her bag and then left the room.

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