Saving You; Chapter 9.

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Jane sat with Maura and her mother for hour's looking through old photo's and talking about her father.

"Anyway..You must be shattered Jane. Why dont you take her to your room Maura and let her sleep" Maura's mother said.

"Its okay ill stay with Maura" Jane insisted.

"Come on lets head up.." Maura smiled as she stood up from the big brown table pulling Jane to her feet.

"Night Mom" Maura said walking off.

"Night girls" She called.

"Night" Jane smiled then walked with Maura.

Maura opened the white door to her old bedroom where she had been sleeping for the past month without Jane.

"Jheeze! How big do you want your room?" Jane said shocked as she closed the door behind her.

Maura didn't reply and just collapsed on the king size bed in the center of the room and curled up in a ball. Jane looked at her and knew what Maura needed. Jane took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed and cuddles Maura in close from behind.

Maura started to cry and turned over so she was facing Jane.

"It okay" Jane kept repeating and Maura started to sob into her chest.

Once she stopped that was the first night she finally got a good nights sleep.

Jane kept strong throughout the week for Maura. Being there when she needed and giving her lots of attention and hugs.


Jane woke up a 6am the day of the funeral. Maura was still sleeping when Jane looked at her. She looked so adorable snuggled under the cover. Jane glanced at the clock and shuffled back in under the cover and spooned her.

Jane layed there awake with her arms around Maura's waist listening to her cute noises as she sleeps. About an hour later Maura turned over and opened her eyes slowly and stared at Jane.

"Hi.." Jane whispered with half a smile.

"Hi." Maura replied with her eyes glaring into Jane's.

"How you feeling?" Jane asked.

"Not good" Maura replied sadly.

"Today's going to be hard but..I'm going to be there every step of the way. You don't have to do this alone okay" Jane said reassuringly.


A few hours later Jane and Maura were showered and dressed in their black outfits. Maura was wearing a tight black fitted dress with a black suit coat over the top with her hair tied back and black heels. Jane was in tight black trousers with black converse like shoes and a black shirt with a black tight fit jumper with her hair down.

Jane stood by the bedroom door looking at Maura who was looking in the mirror at her eyes then turned and walked towards Jane to open the door when Jane stopped her.

"Come here.." Jane said then lifted Maura's chin and placed a kiss on her lips. Maura let out a sigh then took Jane's hand and headed for the car.

"Maura..are you going to...see..him?" Her mother asked as she got to the bottom of the stairs still holding Jane's hand.

"No." Maura decided quickly.

Jane looked at Maura who had no expression. She was just blunt. Alot of people who were attending the funeral came up to Maura and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and shook Jane's hand, some gave her a hug.

The ceremony passed by quicker than they realised and was already heading home in the car. Maura was in bits clinging to Jane's arm in the car. Jane hated to see Maura upset and knew she couldn't do anything to ease her pain. All she could do was be there and comfort her.

They arrived back to the house with cars following behind them. Everyone went into the living room where there was food and drink but Maura just went up to her room dragging Jane along with her. Nobody noticed they had gone.

Maura kicked off her shoes and threw her Jacket hard to the floor and cried hard with her hands on her forehead walking back and forth. Jane stood and watched from the door then walked over to her and took her in her arms. Maura slowly fell to the floor sobbing in Jane's arms. Jane comforted her the best she could.

"Alright.." Jane kept repeating as she hugged Maura tight and sat with her until she stopped.

Saving You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora